Stereo Tool 10.50 is released!
Due to some weird CMS issue I'm unable to change the version numbers on the site, but all software versions have been updated.
- Advanced Clipper: Improved highs clipping: Sounds cleaner, and with more highs at the same time (redesigned Dirty, Airy and Sparkling Highs).
- Adaptive Compressor: Improved Peak mode loud burst response.
- AM: Added AM Brilliance filter, makes AM sound much brighter.
- Streaming: Added more streaming outputs; now up to 8 separate streams can be encoded simultaneously.
- GUI: Menu can now be shown in the top bar instead. Looks much less crowded.
- GUI: Added last time stamp display to error messages.
- GUI: VST: Display active sample rate in VST plugin.
- Web interface: Added support for error/warning/question popups.
- Streaming: When sending Artist and Title, we can now automatically also send Song; some streaming hosts don't support Artist/Title.
- Multiband compressors: Increased Stop Threshold slider maximum values for non-Adaptive mode, and maximum is no longer "off".
- ARM builds: Stereo Tool and MicroMPX now have limited login system.
- Added Highs Brilliance, makes it possible to generate fake highs, could be useful for people with hearing difficulties.
- Added Unicode support.
- Bug fix: macOS: GUI memory leak solved, could cause issues after running for multiple days.
- Bug fix: macOS: Streaming: Didn't work on macOS due to rights/signing issue.
- Bug fix: STXtreme and PiMP/STAMP entering license key broke in 10.40.
- Bug fix: Web interface: Downloading presets didn't work since version 10.40.
- Bug fix: Tilt correction mask was calculated using the first latency setting after startup, and never updated.
- Bug fix: Loading only a single Processing filter could reset other things, such as multiband frequencies.
- Bug fix: VST: Detection failed in some hosts because of exceptions. This may solve some VST issues.
- Bug fix: Streaming: Dynamically loading libraries from DSP plugin never worked properly. Fixed streaming from many DSP hosts.
- Bug fix: Translations: Fixed infinite loop which could make everything extremely slow.
- Bug fix: GUI: Linux version could crash when changing font size.
- Bug fix: GUI: Password protection didn't work in native GUI for non-Enterprise builds.
- Bug fix: GUI: Some error popups were snoozed too quickly if they happened multiple times.
- Bug fix: GUI: GPS used wrong icon in native GUI.
- Bug fix: GUI: MicroMPX settings shown as enabled if FM was on, but stereo and RDS both off.
- Bug fix: MicroMPX decoder: Multicast request was only done on startup, which could fail. Now on all network changes.
- Bug fix: MicroMPX: Upon first start, the web interface showed unused inputs/outputs.
- Bug fix: Raspberry Pi image: IQaudio sound card support didn't work.
- Console version: Converted to modern presets.
- Removed ABE-specific build; now fully integrated in normal builds.
- Fully removed old presets from before version 10.00; automatic build tests now use the new presets.
- Code change: Web interface server code cleaned up.
- Updated presets.
- STXtreme: Improved calculation of which CPU cores to use, this makes it use the hardware more efficiently.
- STXtreme: Added buffer size adjustments for running multiple stations. Now up to 4 FM signals can be generated. Maybe even 5 (to be tested).
- STXtreme: Added loopback I/O board self-test with auto-reboots for station with power stability issues.
- STXtreme: Web interface: Added warning for too low latency if it's manually set lower than recommended.
- MicroMPX: Added average and total bitrate displays to web interface.
- MicroMPX: Built-in encoder in Stereo Tool thought it was still receiving stereo data with stereo encoding disabled.
- MicroMPX: Reduced logging/tracing context from 512 to 128 lines to make log files much smaller.
- MicroMPX Encoder: Bug fix: Removing a line in the encoder settings didn't disable it.
- MicroMPX Decoder: Added multiple priority levels (4 now, we can add more if needed).
- MicroMPX Decoder: Added ability to remove RDS completely. Not recommended; this will lead to bad peak protection!
- MicroMPX Decoder: Added UECP support: Partially working, web interface displays are only updated if any other setting is changed.
- MicroMPX AM Reprocessor: There was some audio above the LPF frequency since version 10.30. Filter is also cleaner and tighter than before.
Note: MicroMPX RIST support has not yet been released, we first need to verify that we are compatible with other vendors.
Hi Hans,
I went from 9.92 to 10.50 (on 9.92 it doesn't do it, same preset, same settings), I have an over buffer problem on out HD (see screen shoot), I solved it using only MME, but I don't like win drivers
asio.jpg [ 203.6 KiB | Viewed 20244 times ]
I also noticed an error on the gui in the threads & CPU section (see screen shoot)
bug cpu 5-6.png [ 90.38 KiB | Viewed 20244 times ]
It would be useful, given the countless submenus, when multiple changes occur in the setting of a preset, that each change was visible to the eye....
For example, if I change in agc/dynamic attack-release/more dynamic attack-release setting/reduce fast movments & reduce slow movments , the entire logical tree structure of the names mentioned above (in the agc page in this case) would be highlighted in another color (yellow text).
Immagine.jpg [ 159.2 KiB | Viewed 20189 times ]
I have a request for you, I think it's important for many users now that the streaming section is complete, add SHOUTCAST 2 server.
Best Regards