Stereo Tool

MicroMPX and Stereo Tool Raspberry Pi 64 bit image
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Author:  gregshap [ Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MicroMPX and Stereo Tool Raspberry Pi 64 bit image

There are issues with the Pi 5 HifiBerry drivers. But, are you getting audio for those 10 minutes? If so, which exact sound card do you have?
I am not using a soundcard, I am using the AOIP Livewire as my input, it works before the reboot loop starts.

A question I have is, if Livewire doesn't work then which Hifiberry card has INPUTs that are balanced audio (pro) XLR?

I would use uMPX to send to uMPX decoder at site.


Author:  hvz [ Thu Mar 14, 2024 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MicroMPX and Stereo Tool Raspberry Pi 64 bit image

I assume you're using Stereo Tool? AOIP should work. I have heard from others that there might be sudden-reboot issues with the latest Raspbian version, so it might be an OS issue. I don't know at this point...

Either that, or Stereo Tool might be crashing. I'll check tomorrow how you can check for that (they image reboots if the software crashes, so that's also definitely a possibility).

Author:  gregshap [ Fri Mar 15, 2024 4:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MicroMPX and Stereo Tool Raspberry Pi 64 bit image

I assume you're using Stereo Tool? AOIP should work. I have heard from others that there might be sudden-reboot issues with the latest Raspbian version, so it might be an OS issue. I don't know at this point...

Either that, or Stereo Tool might be crashing. I'll check tomorrow how you can check for that (they image reboots if the software crashes, so that's also definitely a possibility).
Yes, Stereotool.

Author:  gregshap [ Mon Mar 25, 2024 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MicroMPX and Stereo Tool Raspberry Pi 64 bit image

Any luck with finding why the sudden reboots on PI 5, I have tried to use my PI with your image and Ubuntu but each has its own issues.

Ubuntu will work until I try to add a second NIC then I cannot get the standalone version to run.

The Thimeo PI Image will work but goes into reboot loops after configuring a Static IP.

On both of my attempts, I am using a PI 5 8Gig, with Livewire input audio and uMPX as the send method to TX.

Any ideas?


Author:  hvz [ Wed May 15, 2024 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MicroMPX and Stereo Tool Raspberry Pi 64 bit image

We have a new Pi 5 image, but it still doesn't work properly. The cause appears to be HifiBerry driver or hardware issues; we're seeing glitches, but not just with Stereo Tool, also with Linux' build-in player aplay. So for now it's probably not really usable. This seems to be triggered by memory usage; MicroMPX does appear to work fine (but I have only briefly tested it). Everything works fine on the Pi 4 with the same image.

In case you do want to test it:

The Thimeo PI Image will work but goes into reboot loops after configuring a Static IP.
Do you get any messages about the server not being started? If the image cannot start the web server, it reboots because the device would be inaccessible. Maybe something is wrong with the configuration? Such error messages - and possibly others - are shown if you connect a monitor.

Aside from this, your use case should work since it doesn't use a HifiBerry.

Author:  hvz [ Wed Oct 09, 2024 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MicroMPX and Stereo Tool Raspberry Pi 64 bit image

With the latest HifiBerry driver and Raspbian OS updates, we finally seem to have a properly working Pi 5 image. (It also works on Pi 3/4).

Let us know if you encounter any issues.

Author:  kblack [ Fri Jan 10, 2025 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MicroMPX and Stereo Tool Raspberry Pi 64 bit image

What is the best procedure for updating StereoTool to the current beta (or thereafter mainline release) when running on a Pi5 using the Pi345 image?

Applying the Pi34 image to a 5 will fail and watchdog reboot to 10.41 (as suspected, tried it anyways as I have a fresh image of the running SD card to revert to.)

Author:  hvz [ Sun Jan 12, 2025 1:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MicroMPX and Stereo Tool Raspberry Pi 64 bit image

What is the best procedure for updating StereoTool to the current beta (or thereafter mainline release) when running on a Pi5 using the Pi345 image?

Applying the Pi34 image to a 5 will fail and watchdog reboot to 10.41 (as suspected, tried it anyways as I have a fresh image of the running SD card to revert to.)
Oh! That should have worked... You mean the updater right, from the beta thread forum post, not the actual image? If you really mean the image, you need the updater file from viewtopic.php?t=34592 (Pi 3/4/5 card updater)

Author:  kblack [ Sun Jan 12, 2025 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MicroMPX and Stereo Tool Raspberry Pi 64 bit image

Yes, I meant the updater. I used the Updater. I will try again tomorrow if time allows. You have my currently running image, if you want to try it yourself.

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