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PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 2:17 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:36 pm
Posts: 12
Hello guys. I'm just curious, a lot of commercial radiostations (commercial FM stations mostly) is using some sound processing where is fully
removed punch bass (beat) section and used compression which is getting louder long bass sounds. So, what kind of proceesing is used there? Same question is about processing of classic trance music sound: a lot of stations is getting long sound of claps which as i can hear is moved in time. Is it phase rotation with delay on some frequensies with equalisation or may be something else? Let's talk about it. I'll try to record some examples later for getting difference between original tracks sound and processed one.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 2:42 pm 
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1. Conventionally, bass to be loud you need to kill punch/kicks, at some level, by using limiter on that band or fastER compressor. Me personally never liked that, I even don't see reason for that, especially today. Yes, there is orther tricks too like clipp, phase.. etc.
Some old habits are still in us, and hard to admit that we are actually far from 'normal'.

2. And yes, non-linear phase filters or phase shift or phase rotator is uses for those things, along for other trick specific to processor. Again, me personally will always avoid that as much as possible.

-Will just say this, We should have come a long way by now since first serious processing, around 1980's.

control point
control point2

PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:19 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:36 pm
Posts: 12
Thank you for your fast reply. The reason of the 1st is too much tracks have different levels of these kicks, it's very painful for FM station to loose volume just for saving this sound picture (I amn't interesting in the source picture of sound, I'm interesting in loud and pleasant picture for all tracks on air, because there's a lot of dojin tracks with very big difference of the mastrering quality etc). But some processors like orban's is drawing their new picture very pleasent for earing. That's why i'm interesting in it and want to find a truth of how to do it.
A few months ago i got some broken Orban's 1100 sound card, 8400-fm and 2300 processors from some closed radiostations. I repaired sound card and 2300 processor, but 8400 have damage of it's operating system on flash memory. I tried to get some sound of other stations but as i can see, 1100 is limited in it's configuration (I think, it's used just for studio works, not for broadcasting) and 2300 is looks like final processing before transmitter, so, the mostly interesting thing is to fix 8400 which have all functions I need. So, i want to find out, how to realise what I heared on other stations by using both 2300 and stereotool. But I need to speak with somebody who worked with it, to discuss the theory of how to change the sound or may be I'll find somebody who is still have 8400 and can share backup of his flash memory.

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