Hello everyone,
I have a problem with memory buffers on stereo Tool, can you tell me where the clock setting is?
Every 24 hours the buffer runs out, so I have to reboot.
Here is my error message:
The normal buffer on the output sound card deviates too far from the target level.
this is usually caused by differences in exact clock speed and can cause audio drops.
Things to check:
synchronize the output under the sound card: the imput parameters are set to auto or on
when the fm output is also used, synchronize with the fm output is set to auto or on.
auto means that the stereo tool checks the sound card name and only activates synchronization when they are different.
if a clock speed has a very large shift,
even synchronization might not be able to compensate for it unless you change the setting to allow for much larger clock speed settings.
Thanking you in advance.