We have a new version of our SD card image for the Raspberry Pi 4 and 5 (NOT 3!). This new image contains some important Raspberry kernel and firmware optimizations, which in total (on on my test Pi 5 here) gives a whopping 29% performance improvement. The CPU usage for the same processing went down from 37.5% to 29%! Also, setting the processing block size from 2048 (the default on the Pi) to 4096 has very little effect on the CPU usage.
Here's the image with version 10.51 BETA008 installed. We will officially upload this image when 10.51 is released:
https://download.thimeo.com/Thimeo_Pi45 ... ETA008.zip
You cannot get these improvements by just using the installer, it's really a fully new image. (It *might* be possible to make an installer that updates everything, but that's a bit risky, we would need to properly check for errors and handle those properly). If you want to keep your existing image, running the following commands manually should give you the same effect:
The upgrade will upgrade the kernel from 6.6.51 to 6.6.74. Note: If you're NOT using our image that runs 6.6.51, do NOT do this or it will break a lot of things.
First, run:
uname -a
Verify that you're at version 6.6.51. DO NOT CONTINUE if you're on any other version.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo apt install rpi-eeprom
sudo rpi-eeprom-update -a
sudo reboot
After rebooting you should see the improved performance.
Please let us know how much performance improvement you see, on Pi 4's and 5's. It appears to matter how much memory the Pi has, so please mention that as well.
For the first few people who use our new image: Please check the contents of /home/thimeo/thimeo/log.updater/rpi-eeprom-update.log . This file contains the output of rpi-eeprom-update -a; after the first boot it should mention that the firmware was upgraded, on future boots it should just say that nothing changed:
BOOTLOADER: up to date CURRENT: Wed Feb 12 10:51:52 UTC 2025 (1739357512) LATEST: Wed Feb 12 10:51:52 UTC 2025 (1739357512) RELEASE: default (/usr/lib/firmware/raspberrypi/bootloader-2712/default) Use raspi-config to change the release.