Not sure how that smilie ended up so big! But anyway...
> What do you mean by "run"? Not double-clicked, but using the Win+R "Run command"?
Just started, basically. There's a shortcut on the bottom bar to
"C:\Program Files\Stereo Tool\StereoTool.exe"
But, when it's minimised, clicking the icon again starts another copy. So they end up with several copies running (see image). So when they stop streaming from within Stereo Tool (at which point Liquid Soap should switch back to automated 24/7 music), cue panic because it won't stop streaming (cos one of the background Stereo Tools is still doing it!).
edit2: Are you asking for a way to prevent more than one instance from a single executable?
Yes, I guess so! Not much of a windows guru, and ChatGPT told me I should try adding "--single-instance" to it, which didn't do a lot. But anything that will stop a second copy starting.
I've used older versions that didn't do this, but I don't know if this is a Windows 11 thing or a ST thing...