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 Post subject: Stereo Tool 10.11 BETA
PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 10:11 pm 
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Hi all,

Latest version - Beta 10.11-017 (Oct 17 2023) - Warning: 10.11 release candidate, new compressor is disabled again

  • Fixed crash in startup of WatchCat
  • Generic x64 Linux build was trying to use old preset mechanism, caused crash on loading
  • Active preset display didn't update when switching tabs
  • When importing a new preset, act as if "All" tab is active.
  • Disabled BIMP in DHD build
  • Confirmed that LiquidSoap still works, but they needed to update things to parse our new .zip fie format. They also added support to upload .so files directly.

Issues reported from 10.10 release:
  • Update presets
  • LATER VST skin bar color issue

  • Update SD card image on site!
  • MAC crashes if detect Livewire/Dante/Ravenna is enabled.
  • VMware licensing 2w
  • M. mails! + Contract
  • Compressor
  • Add capture output soundcard??? (Wasapi loopback?)
  • Web interface: MicroMPX decoder display "ports" field gets too small after switching to another tab and then back, with a relatively small window. download/file.php?id=5827
  • Also, I notice when adjusting the buffer, there's no way to adjust by 1ms. There's 0.1ms (CTRL), 10ms (SHIFT), but it doesn't go by 1ms when no modifier is held. It would also be very handy to have the Synchronize with HD slider in between the HD and FM output cells instead of hidden in the More FM Output Settings.
  • Reset skin, and other things (basically anything that can be loaded?)
  • Pi: Make network settings changeable via web interface.
  • Startup delay on MicroMPX?
  • Upload SD card image updater somewhere
  • Update LiquidSoap links
  • mndxer1049: Better Natural Dynamics section with WB dynamic detection
  • mndxer1049: A very transparent, C-Level like new AGC design
  • mndxer1049: Auto Stereo Pilot
  • mndxer1049: Maybe: A button for putting all CPU settings at the maximum value and turning on all CPU intensive settings that only improve audio, but take quite a bit of CPU load. (ex. sliders like ‘Quality (increases CPU load)’ under DeClipper restoration, “Strictness (CPU)” and “Leif’s highs gap protection stages (CPU)’ under Clipper just to name a few of these ”CPU sliders” I’m referencing.)
  • Display bug in MPX display (weird spectrum glitches that occur occasionally)
  • Add streaming output to VST version?
  • In the audio input section I'd like to see options for speakers to be included without having the need to use virtual cables to route. I was thinking something similar to Rocket Broadcaster. There's input for mic and separate application source.
  • MicroMPX decoder: High frequency tilt correction is performed BEFORE data is collected for display, looks like overshoots.

  • Non-phase linear: For example ... rworth.cpp
  • gStreamer AES67?
  • RDS encoder: Add support for UTF8 input for characters like æ ø å
  • STXtreme errors when reusing sound card
  • STXtreme set shared sample rate (instances can set different sample rates)
  • (Add Declipper NEW_GUI presets)
  • STXtreme check NTP update - Matt
  • Diversity delay: Move to before clipper, make it build up slowly
  • New compressor: Check Bojcha's file weird behavior
  • New compressor: Dull sound reported after some time
  • Azimuth affects highs!!
  • Password change requires entering same password 3x first time
  • Password protection broken display after logout/change
  • Preset load page must be smaller for STXtreme
  • Cursor keys in web interface
  • Mac: VST3 GUI.
  • Ratio slider smarter steps (1.1, 1.2 etc) - MattL
  • Meters: add separate FM/HD output level displays.
  • New compressor and matrix mode?
  • Add 0.05 precision to parametric EQ and attack/release multipliers
  • RDS: Add settings for how long texts are shown or how fast to scroll for UECP inputs.
  • AES67 generic mode: Let people enter IP address directly.
  • Add PWarnMini for Diff
  • MicroMPX: Show temperature
  • MicroMPX: Show status per incoming port
  • Win10 scheduler appears to ignore ideal CPU cores since last (few) update(s)
  • Links: ID_GOTO must be a PLink that points somewhere.
  • Dynamic speeds: License detection only works after audio has been running, that's not ok.
  • When audio has run after a settings change, trigger a parsetChanged
  • Time offset on STXtreme, for RDS (also for ClockTime!)
  • New GUI: Support smaller monitors (smaller default size, especially for VST). Contact near05.
  • Export presets from web interface needs filtering, just like from native (so the code is there! Just reuse CopyPresetOm*).
  • Mac: VST2 sizes
  • Mac: gavinmcgrath: "Intel MacOS 11.7.3 in Wavelab 11.1: Blank screen." viewtopic.php?f=14&t=33391&p=73407#p73407
  • Stand alone RDS decoder
  • GUI: Check RGBLUT_Combine2 performance
  • CPU usage of REFRESH_ENABLED is high, maybe use local array.
  • PDcWave delay not set
  • Flashing peq/mb eq bars in GUI
  • Software update requires Admin rights
  • WatchCat: Keep track of when files have been processed and ignore them, but don't move them. (DropBox)
  • WatchCat: Can we include ffmpeg and lame?
  • Pens
  • Add latency wizard?
  • Add Declipper presets
  • Check and add Declipper installers to download page
  • setFaultyValue for text boxes for wrong passwords for example - check with Tom how to use
  • Can we enable FM Calibration in "Ignore high frequencies" mode? Not easily
  • Add check for running ST multiple times; make switchable if we want to allow it or ask if you really want to start if it already runs or something.
  • Matt: Pre-emphasize highs slider needs to get a clearer description! Something with avoid overshoots. Basically a sidechain EQ. "Add highs to sidechain".
  • Matt: UECP must be more easily accessible, too deep now.
  • Matt: FM+AM
  • New I/O framework: Add extra latency to plugin input so the input 2 to LQLL can be instantaneous.
  • Check Bojcha's good bass HPF settings (18200 Hz, ignore high frequencies, 48 kHz, 35 Hz HPF)
  • libVLC with FDK???
Latest version - Beta 10.11-015 (Oct 15 2023)

  • x64 Linux generic non-GUI build caused linker error on use because it assumed that the old preset mechanism is used.
  • Importing a preset from a file now changes the preset filter from built-in to all. Before, importing failed when "Built-in" was selected.
Latest version - Beta 10.11-013 (Oct 13 2023)

  • De-Esser, does not display the actual reduction as in the old version on the meter (Gain Reduction). viewtopic.php?f=14&t=33668&start=7 Old MB limiter display is also broken.
  • LATER VST on Mac retina displays
  • Add LiquidSoap plugin files for separate uploading
  • We don't have any microphone processing presets under Processing....
  • Password protection: Removed "webinterface only" checkbox for builds that have no native GUI (Pi-based Stereo Tool; MicroMPX)
Latest version - Beta 10.11-0012 (Oct 12 2023)

  • Big FM delay: Audio dropout when switching between inputs. Redesigned diversity delay.
  • STXtreme: Give some sort of feedback when changing network settings when it takes long, or get rid of the pause. Maybe use direct OS calls instead of net commands
  • STXtreme: Displayed active DHCP state is on even if DHCP is off (first display in web interface), also not reset on reloading of network page
  • STXtreme: DNS changes are removed with DHCP on
  • STXtreme: Filled in IP address might be incorrect if you enable DHCP, so displayed disabled.
  • VST2 license key: Remove encryption, causes problems. Wait for feedback.
  • Processing main window, slider for DRIVE is extended to 32 db, but i was refering to the slider , that only drives Multiband, i.e. the DRIVE slider in the Multibands window. It now is at most 28 db. Weird number, must be 32. -> Boosted to 30 (multiple of 6) for now, will be boosted further when the new compressor is ready.
  • A message always appears after activating the web server, always when starting ST, is there a possibility to remove this message whenever starting ST, in this beta 10.11? -> Also other popups (BS412), they should only be shown when the setting is changed, not after startup.
  • VST keyboard issues
  • RDS: RT 0x0D (CR/LF) end of line causes problems in some non-compliant receivers. Reverting to padding with spaces.
  • Updated presets Bojcha, Matt Levin, Sjoerd de Graaff to the latest version
  • BS412 FM presets did not enable BS412 (oops...)
  • Added command line option for version number (--version)
  • Add --verify-build option to stand alone builds to check ParSet, will find many potential issues on Linux.
  • Open file window sometimes opens behind ST window: CFileDialog constructor in DialogWindow must get parent hwnd.
Latest version - Beta 10.11-006 (Oct 3 2023)

  • MicroMPX: Reduced memory usage of decoder (stand alone and library) by 60 MB.
  • STXtreme: Add whitelist for BTC traffic information.
  • STXtreme: Add DNS server field to front panel
  • STXtreme front panel: Move MAC address to interface title to make room for DNS
  • Formailize GPO-over-MicroMPX spec
  • MicroMPX encoder does not work in ST ARM console build - appears to be fixed (requires running at 48 kHz)
  • STXtreme: Make DNS changeable from web interface
  • STXtreme: Display unit UTC time
  • STXtreme: Try to get rid of delays when setting DNS server field; only update what needs to be updated
Latest version - Beta 10.11-003 (Sep 29 2023)

  • [*]Preset page: Added filters. Sorting button added, but does not yet work.
    [*]STXtreme streaming output on/off button missing
    [*]Check PiMP, STAMP etc on SD card, does it crash? -> No, but STudio an STAMP don't seem to have a web server, added logging for now. -> Huh. all web files were missing from the builds... Fixed and check added.
    [*]Report that web and native passwords don't match (set it in one and you can't use it in the other) -> No, works fine.
    [*]Radio sliders were missing in MB1
Latest version - Beta 10.11-002 (Sep 27 2023) (IBC pause upto the 25th)

Replace links by 1011-002

  • [*]Intrasoncs switches off after restarting; FM and main are saved under the same name. Fixed, but requires upgrade fix as well.
    [*]New sound card framework: in plugin versions with "Real I/O" enabled, the input amplification gain is was performed twice. So a setting of 3 dB gave a 6 dB gain.
    [*]New sound card framework: Input gain display incorrect; no separate color and can think that there are overshoots when there aren't
    [*]VST crashes in Audition 1.5 on Windows
    [*]VST plugin always complains about license
    [*]Web interface: MicroMPX rights are missing
    [*]Enable streaming in STXtreme for Bingo
    [*]Security: Disabled NetBIOS and RPC in STXtreme, should not be needed
    [*]New compressor: Squared modes are now always on, parameters removed.
    [*]V1 STXtreme unit has an issue with 2 HD's. Carbon Echoes on FM, Warm Echoes on both HD's. -> Does not reproduce, something else must be wrong

PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:17 am 
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We have Digital compressor, we have Analog. So, it`s time for Hybrid?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 3:10 pm 
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I don't see the skin bug where the Titlebar Color continually counts up until a skin is loaded (currently only VST3 32 and 64, previously only VST2) listed. It doesn't have anything to do with pasting a value as previously reported.

Here's a short video showing this in the latest Reaper win10x64.
I add a track and plugin (at the same time by choosing an instrument, then selecting an effects plugin instead)
I choose the plugin for the latest (at the time) beta (pre 10.10 release) VST3x64.
I immediately go to Application Settings and open the skin settings to show the titlebar color number.
The number continually counts up until it needs to process mouse movement from the selection box and pauses for a second. I could have let this part go longer, but I had already shown the important parts.

Oh, can we also get this thread stickied and the old one unstickied?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:24 pm 

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hans, i have to say, this is the first time i do really like the compressor when set to adaptive.
its in the face, consistent and has great definition.
analog was workable but not great. digital was really bad. but the adaptive one is looking like to hit bullseye.
please keep on working and once completed skip the other variants and all the unnessesary tabs.
in my opinion level drops/detection/behavior are not needed for users.
from channels only channel linking is needed.

keep up the good work !

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 11:40 am 

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Unfortunately, none of the latest versions work in latest Reaper on iMac M1, latest Monterey.
I get weird gui problems and then Reaper crashes.

Are there special settings necessary in Reaper?

In Ableton, 10.11 works fine, though.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 1:48 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2023 5:30 pm
Posts: 37
Congrats on the 10.10 release.

Is there any news on the Mac VST3 fixes?

I'm currently having to run in Rosetta mode on my silicon Mac to run the VST2, Native silicon Mac OS doesn't support VST2 sadly.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 1:52 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2023 12:19 pm
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I have a valid license FM Professional+ Declipper whose license does not work as a plugin in vmix. As a standalone application, the license works ok without problems. When I install the plugin in vmix it says: vst plugin use whitout license.
What would be the problem, why doesn't it work?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 3:05 pm 

Joined: Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:52 pm
Posts: 116
two small corrections on some meters, De-Esser, does not display the actual reduction as in the old version on the meter (Gain Reduction), Input (in the Stand Alone version) does not show in red the gain added by the "gain" slider, see l the actual action of the process in question when it comes into action is useful, as it was in the old gui.

PS. I can't find it in the new gui, in AGC, Link band, has it been removed?


AGC.png [ 147.91 KiB | Viewed 41413 times ]
PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 4:40 pm 
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I can't find it in the new gui, in AGC, Link band, has it been removed?
Dynamics> AGC> Bands> (at bottom of section) Link Bass to Main

secret code for opening all cells at once for easier finding: CTRL SHIFT +

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 4:54 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2023 5:30 pm
Posts: 37
Congrats on the 10.10 release.

Is there any news on the Mac VST3 fixes?

I'm currently having to run in Rosetta mode on my silicon Mac to run the VST2, Native silicon Mac OS doesn't support VST2 sadly.
Just to add to this. I'm getting a blank screen in Wavelab 11.2, Mac OS Ventura 13.5.2 with the vst2 plugin

Screenshot 2023-09-15 at 15.52.32.png
Screenshot 2023-09-15 at 15.52.32.png [ 39.58 KiB | Viewed 41382 times ]
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