Stereo Tool

AM presets like Orban 9300??
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Author:  ASC_PRO [ Wed Dec 27, 2023 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  AM presets like Orban 9300??

Hi! Does anybody tried presets for high density and a full filled spectrum in AM modulation?

Author:  cbs1 [ Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AM presets like Orban 9300??

yes there are a few presets on stereotool you can try these ...but if you read the forum discussion about this kind of presets like orban -omnia am 3 you will understand that is another thing the hardware from software...thats why these boxes cost alot ...but stereotool with new version can you simulate a sound like orban 9100b or 9200.. even omnia am 3 after alot of work...and you must have in your mind your transmitter must support the the bandwidth 10 khz or 15khz {really needs this??? in am band???)and your antenna system, and then you can try to open the filters to get the sound which you like ,i mean the open sound like fm....really what will be happen during the night ????with fading??after a long experience and experiment in AM band i will tell you its not worth it for use it open sound 🔊 i wish you happy new year and to all people to this forum's

Author:  cbs1 [ Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AM presets like Orban 9300??

i forgotten to wrote about the listeners...what kind of radio they have ....the monitor may which you have is sdr so you have the ability to open the bandwidth to 10khz or 15khz ...but the rest people they have???? different sound on sdr radio - different sound in a small radio 📻
cheer :lol:

Author:  ASC_PRO [ Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AM presets like Orban 9300??

Thanks for your answer mate! What I looking for is a complete and full filled spectrum like broadcasting stations transmitting in MW or SW. I understand your comments and I'm agree

Author:  cbs1 [ Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AM presets like Orban 9300??

hello again ...i think here in the forum in section share your stereotool settings are some preset from the past....but my opinion is put just stereotool as Hans has factory set just use only mb1 mb2 and advance klipper and agc just one band..nothing else all the others are not useful for AM modulation are for FM section ...ok keep trying to have the input sound with out as normal as you can 🥫 i mean physical....use and am broadcast section if you want to use nrsc preemphasis....
have a nice day

Author:  Master [ Sun Jan 21, 2024 11:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AM presets like Orban 9300??

of course it will not be possible to faithfully reproduce ORBAN,
but we can get closer.

the asymmetric is not easy to implement to avoid increasing the peaks of the positive phase without clipping the negatives.

For professional equipment like BE the modulation reaches 150% guaranteeing signal stability.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to find professional or good quality class "D" and medium power 500/1000 W devices in Europe at affordable costs.

Author:  cbs1 [ Fri Jan 26, 2024 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AM presets like Orban 9300??

hello again
what do you mean in affordable cost....a good stuff must amateur use but professional....there are alot companies ...they offer alot transmitters with different outputs ... and different class ..D....E.....H ...the asymmetry modulation is a part off AM section stereotool...we have discussed in this forum in the past and with HANS ...THIS SECTION WORKS HERE PERFECT ...if you have the opportunity to check it with the Wright instrument you can see by your self that is ok.. NOW BCS THE QUESTION WAS ABOUT PRESET LIKE ORBAN 9300.....i will tell again its diffcult to simulate it here with the stereotool....we have try alot in the past to simulates older orban sound like 9000or9100a,b but it was not the same as the box...but the stereotool the new version helps alot ...after sped alot off hours and using the same frequency major bands of orban may be you have a good sound as this box...
regads 73 cbs1
p.s i hope to help you

Author:  cbs1 [ Wed Apr 03, 2024 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AM presets like Orban 9300??

hello again
just for the forum's info ,wait until Hans finish the section advance clipper ....after finish you can add this and to use it as final clipper as orban use it in all models 9000 -9100a,b or 9200-9300

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