I appreciate the feedback and definitely will try what you suggested! I’m starting to wonder if it’s the Stereo Boost since a lot of the presets use it…seems like the ones without it are stressing out my ears less. Not quite sure!
Interesting. Back on the sub-bass and stereo width causing fatigue topic: I notice if I'm using headphones with music mixed exclusively for speakers, without some form of bass centering or crossfeed algorithm, I'll get extra fatigue. I'm not certain of the best way to fix this in ST.
There are a few ways, such as in the clipper itself. Try
Broadcasting, HD signal settings,
>, enable "
Reduce parts of the stereo to help low bitrate codecs" to make
Center Bass function. Then open the "
Stereo reduction for streaming settings..." and max out all the sliders to disable everything but the bass centering; then tweak it with "
Center bass settings..." I don't know how to do this for FM, however.
(edit: It's under Broadcasting, FM signal settings, Audio settings, >, Center Bass.)
Aside from that, there are crossfeed algorithms that might come included in the playback software or otherwise require a plugin.
(BAD IDEA) But for FM broadcasting, I don't rightly know if it's the best idea. I don't know what people listen to radio with the most...
gotta be speakers, right?
EDIT: Ah, there's also a simple checkbox under
Stereo, Stereo Image, Limit Phase Differences to
Center Bass.