this topic has allready been discussed, but I am not satisfied with the answers. Maybe I can get some more information about that.
I have seen that it works to lower the PreAmp setting in Winamp or MediaMonkey as recommended to about -0,6 dB to avoid red input bars in Stereo Tool. For this to work the integrated equalizer in both apps must be turned on. But even with all sliders set to zero, just turning them on causes a huge loss of sound quality. The sound is much better with having red input bars in Stereo Tool than with this equalizers turned on. Because of that, to lower Winamp/MediaMonkey PreAmp setting is not a solution for me to avoid red input bars in Stereo Tool.
I dont know how much the sound quality may suffer from this red input bars, maybe I should just ignore that?
As well I dont understand how a digital input can clip? Whenever the level is too high within a player the digital output of this player will clip causing the output being set to 0dB which should not cause a following input to clip then?