Stereo Tool

Command line 6.21 crashing...
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Author:  ohangelo [ Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Command line 6.21 crashing...

Hello --

I have an issue where I'm converting from MP3 to Wav, running through ST, and converting back to MP3.

Using the pipe commands, lame, as the example on the website shows, I have this working perfectly, but now, suddenly, something is going wrong.

Here's a screenshot (ascii)

D:\Library\Temp>C:\temp\stereo_tool_cmd.exe "902112.wav" TMP.WAV

Not registered

Converting 902112.wav to TMP.WAV
using settings from C:\Users\a952\dsp_stereo_tool.ini

Encountered RIFF/WAVE header "fmt ", copying 16 bytes
Encountered RIFF/WAVE header "data", processing 36732860 bytes
DELAY: 8192 samples (4096 stereo samples)
35871K bnd1 bnd2 bnd3 bnd4 bnd5 bnd6 bnd7 bnd8 bnd9 bnd0 input output
7936K ████ ████ ███─ ███─ ███─ ██── ██── ███─ ██── ██── ████▄── ███████

And it exits there. I've tried echoing errorcode, and it's 0.

This seems to come and go, I've tried the one line command (with piping via stdin/out), and ST chokes at about the same point continually. I've even broken my convert script down to discreet files, and lame --decode is working, but ST seems to be the one that cuts out.

I've tried:
- Different MP3/WAV files
- Different .sts files, including ones that have worked perfectly before, and just going to a built-in preset, saving that as a new .sts file
- Disabling multicore in the settings.
- Lame version hasn't changed (it's 3.99.4 for Win/64bit)
- Playing through Winamp (dsp), also ver 6.21 has no issues.

Here are my settings below:
[Stereo Tool Configuration]
Iconify at startup=0
Startup mode=Simple mode
Bypass Stereo Tool=0
CPU usage - Screen refresh speed=0.651162803
Winamp bugfix - Clean buffer at start of new track=0
Winamp bugfix - Time no data received before start of new track=1
Display synchronization - External delay before audio is played=0
Display synchronization - Synchronize with FM output=1
Display - Do not display wave forms=0
Display - Ghosting=1
Main Window position X=453
Main Window position Y=366
Main Window width=825
Main Window height=519
Main Window Maximized=0
Don't show Low Latency quality warning=0
Don't show FM processing quality warning=0
Processing CPU priority=0
Allow multicore processing=0
[Stereo Tool Dynamic Settings]
Poll STS Enabled=0
Poll STS File name=
Recent file 1=C:\temp\neo_am.sts
Recent file 2=
Recent file 3=
Recent file 4=
Recent file 5=
Recent file 6=
Recent file 7=
Recent file 8=
Recent file 9=
Recent file 10=
CPU usage - Quality (new style)=0.75999999
Latency (samples)=4096
Pre amplifier=28
Post amplifier=1
Extra loudness=3
Extra loudness - Very deep bass relative clipping level=0
Extra loudness - De-esser limit=40950
Extra loudness - Punchy=0.082499981
Extra loudness - Max Punch peak=0.769999981
Extra loudness - Deep bass protection - Enabled=0
Extra loudness - Deep bass protection - Difference=0
Extra loudness - Deep bass protection - Value=0.976999998
Extra loudness - Forcibly remove DC component caused by Loudness=0
Extra loudness - Reflection strength=0.049899995
Extra loudness - Allow more distortion=0
Extra loudness - Highs burst strength=1
Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Very deep bass filter frequency 1=300
Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Very deep bass filter frequency 2=300
Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Clip very deep bass at=0.730000019
Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - BassMid filter frequency 1=300
Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - BassMid filter frequency 2=700
Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Clip BassMid at=0.899999976
Extra loudness - Voice vibrations - Highs feedback strength=1
Extra loudness - Voice vibrations - Never reduce bass below=0
Extra loudness - Voice vibrations - Multiply measured vibration level by=4
Extra loudness - Voice vibrations - Ignore vibration levels below=0
Extra loudness - Voice vibrations - Reduce sensitivity for non-constant sounds strength=0
Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Strict clipping=1
Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Strict clipping - More strict=1
Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Strict clipping frequency 1=250
Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Strict clipping frequency 2=350
Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Strict clipping - Clip bass at=0.850000024
Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Strict clipping - Clip Punched bass at=0.949999988
Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Strict clipping - Never dynamically raise bass level above=0.949999988
Extra loudness - Dirty Bass=1
Bass protection - Enabled=1
Bass protection - Two steps=0
Bass protection - Clip level=200
Bass protection - Deep bass boost=30
Bass protection - Raise clip level if highs get above=500
Bass protection - Maximum clip level raise=0
Hard limit output=1
Extra loudness - Allow more distortion - highs=0
Extra loudness - Advanced Highs Protection enabled=1
Extra loudness - Advanced Highs Protection - Strength=4
Extra loudness - Advanced Highs Protection - Maximum reduction=1
Extra loudness - Voice vibrations - Allowed graininess multiplication=1
Extra loudness - Non constant sound vibrations - Sensitivity=1
Oversample limiters=0
Extra loudness - Take some shortcuts (CPU)=1
Extra loudness - Advanced Extreme Highs Protection - Never clip below=0.800000012
Extra loudness - Advanced Extreme Highs Protection - Always clip below=1.700000048
Extra loudness - Advanced Extreme Highs Protection - Maximum low/mid frequency volume reduction=0.709999979
Extra loudness - Clipping strictness=10
Bass protection - Smoothe mid frequencies=4
Bass protection - Smoothe peak detection steepness=0.100000001
Bass protection - Allowed highs distortion=0
Extra loudness - Advanced Extreme Highs Protection=1
Extra loudness - Advanced Extreme Highs Protection - Keep transients=1
Extra loudness - Take oversampling shortcuts=1
Extra loudness - Bass protection - Bass clipping strictness=4
Extra loudness - Highs vs bass protection - strictness=3
[FM Hiss]
FM median pos=25
FM measure max multiplier=2
FM reduce=150
FM delay=2.5
FM delay median=7.5
[Noise Gate]
Noise level=0.74000001
Relative noise gate level - Band 1=0.010100961
Relative noise gate level - Band 2=0.388888836
Relative noise gate level - Band 3=0.5625
Relative noise gate level - Band 4=0.709401608
Relative noise gate level - Band 5=0.980198026
Relative noise gate level - Band 6=1.325581312
Relative noise gate level - Band 7=1.298850536
[Singleband Compressor]
Maximum volume=1.149999738
Attack speed=0.000043973
Decay speed=0.180454418
Above Top Limiter=0
AGC RMS style Enabled=1
AGC RMS style Target RMS level=68330
AGC RMS style Remove remaining peaks above=1
[Pre Compressor]
Maximum volume - Band 1=78000
Attack speed - Band 1=0.000003007
Attack speed - Band 3=0.000003007
Decay speed - Band 1=0.000330629
Decay speed - Band 3=0.000139355
Dual band=1
Third band=1
Relative expected volume of highs=0.569999993
Relative maximum volume of highs=2.700000048
Relative maximum volume of very highs=0.319999993
Remove remaining peaks above (relative to maximum volume)=1.049999952
Maximum expected dynamics strength for smoothing=1
Enable smoothing=0
Smoothing time=0
Gating level=19044
Use ITU-BS.1770=0
Channel separation=1
Gating based on volume before Pre Amp=0
Lock bass to band 2 strength=3.599999905
Minimum attack speed near top=0
Force volume down if it is kept too much above calculated target level margin=2
Remove remaining peaks above (relative to maximum volume) - band 2=1.049999952
Remove remaining peaks in mono=1
Startup input level=0
Use ITU-BS.1770 Head=0
Use ITU-BS.1770 Bass=0
[Multiband Compressor]
Delay enabled=0
Maximum volume - Band -1=5080
Maximum volume - Band 0=6270
Maximum volume - Band 1=6780
Maximum volume - Band 2=6400
Maximum volume - Band 3=6780
Maximum volume - Band 4=6600
Maximum volume - Band 5=5960
Maximum volume - Band 6=4170
Maximum volume - Band 7=2580
Maximum volume - Band 8=1420
Attack speeds linked=0
Attack speed - Band -1=0.000090152
Attack speed - Band 0=0.000090152
Attack speed - Band 1=0.000090152
Attack speed - Band 2=0.000061563
Attack speed - Band 3=0.000049749
Attack speed - Band 4=0.000049636
Attack speed - Band 5=0.000049693
Attack speed - Band 6=0.000042981
Attack speed - Band 7=0.000039001
Attack speed - Band 8=0.000038919
Decay speeds linked=0
Decay speed - Band -1=0.000154625
Decay speed - Band 0=0.000251468
Decay speed - Band 1=0.000293139
Decay speed - Band 2=0.000293139
Decay speed - Band 3=0.000293139
Decay speed - Band 4=0.000293139
Decay speed - Band 5=0.000293139
Decay speed - Band 6=0.000293139
Decay speed - Band 7=0.000293139
Decay speed - Band 8=0.000293139
Above Top Limiter=0.540000021
Clipping enabled=1
Postprocessing enabled=1
Flat frequency response enabled=1
Relative clip position - Band -1=1.857142687
Relative clip position - Band 0=3.651163578
Relative clip position - Band 1=3.347825527
Relative clip position - Band 2=2.125
Relative clip position - Band 3=1.531645775
Relative clip position - Band 4=1.409638405
Relative clip position - Band 5=1.500000238
Relative clip position - Band 6=1.597402573
Relative clip position - Band 7=1.816901207
Relative clip position - Band 8=1.89855051
Final limiter value=1
Final limiter decay speed=0.000399904
Final limiter clipping=2.508771658
Channel separation steepness protection enabled=0
Channel separation steepness (maximum artifact strength)=0.300000012
Equalizer enabled=1
Equalize before multiband-compression=1
Equalizer position - Band -1=0.754385948
Equalizer position - Band 0=0.769911528
Equalizer position - Band 1=0.941747665
Equalizer position - Band 2=0.980198026
Equalizer position - Band 3=1
Equalizer position - Band 4=1
Equalizer position - Band 5=1.127659559
Equalizer position - Band 6=1.150537729
Equalizer position - Band 7=1.197802305
Equalizer position - Band 8=1.197802305
Center frequency - Band -1=43.06640625
Center frequency - Band 0=86.1328125
Center frequency - Band 1=172.265625
Center frequency - Band 2=344.53125
Center frequency - Band 3=689.0625
Center frequency - Band 4=1378.125
Center frequency - Band 5=2756.25
Center frequency - Band 6=5512.5
Center frequency - Band 7=10000
Center frequency - Band 8=15000
Voice protection strength=1
Band 1+2 locking strength=0
Stereo AZIMUTH Enabled=0
Stereo Image Enabled=0
Stereo Boost Enabled=1
Stereo Boost Excessive Reverb Protection Enabled=0
Delay enabled=0
Center bass=1
AZIMUTH limit=50
AZIMUTH change speed=0.200000003
Image phase amplifier=1
Image phase amplifier maximum angle=180
Image phase amplifier maximum separation strength=100
Image width amplifier=1
Extra phase shift=0
Mono or stereo only=0
Stereo Boost strength=6
Stereo Boost maximum amplification=1.200000048
Stereo Boost multiplier=1
Stereo Boost - Never reduce below original level=0
[Channel Delay]
Left Delay=0
[Output Filter]
Lowpass filter=17500
Highpass filter=29
Highpass filter linearity=No
Non-phase-linear highpass filter order=6
Highpass post filter=1
Highpass post filter - avoid artifacts=1
[Bass Boost]
Start lowpass frequency of input filter=270
End lowpass frequency of input filter=370
Start lowpass frequency of output filter=370
End lowpass frequency of output filter=470
Clip level=0.900999963
Clip level is relative to estimated maximum level=0
Preserve louder peaks=1
[Phase Rotator]
Start frequency=300
Start speed=1000
Number of rotations=3.5
Low latency look back samples=112
Low latency look ahead samples=20
[Final Limiter]
Pre-limiter enabled=0
Pre-limiter relative volume=1.75
Reduced CPU processing=0
[FM Transmitter]
Pre-emphasis time=50
Output is pre-emphasized=0
Stereo encoder enabled=0
RDS encoder enabled=0
Pilot signal volume=9
RDS signal volume=4.5
FM overdrive volume=1
RDS PS text=2s:STEREO/2s:TOOL/<1=1.5s,2..-2=2t,-1=1.5s:WWW.STEREOTOOL.COM/1s:\T2h\:\T02m\:\T02s/1s:\T2h\.\T02m\:\T02s/1s:\T2h\:\T02m\:\T02s
RDS RadioText text=60s:Stereo Tool: Professional Audio Processing - Tool by Hans van Zutphen, 1999-2008 -
RDS PI=65535
RDS Alternative frequency 1=0
RDS Alternative frequency 2=0
RDS Alternative frequency 3=0
RDS Alternative frequency 4=0
RDS Alternative frequency 5=0
RDS Alternative frequency 6=0
RDS Alternative frequency 7=0
RDS Alternative frequency 8=0
RDS Alternative frequency 9=0
RDS Alternative frequency 10=0
RDS Alternative frequency 11=0
RDS Alternative frequency 12=0
RDS Alternative frequency 13=0
RDS Alternative frequency 14=0
RDS Alternative frequency 15=0
RDS Alternative frequency 16=0
RDS Alternative frequency 17=0
RDS Alternative frequency 18=0
RDS Alternative frequency 19=0
RDS Alternative frequency 20=0
RDS Alternative frequency 21=0
RDS Alternative frequency 22=0
RDS Alternative frequency 23=0
RDS Alternative frequency 24=0
RDS Alternative frequency 25=0
RDS Music=1
RDS Artificial Head=0
RDS Compressed=1
RDS Dynamic PTY=0
RDS RadioText Enabled=1
RDS ClockTime Enabled=1
FM Transmitter Calibration Enabled=0
MPX Oversampling mode=Follow main Quality setting
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 20 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 40 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 80 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 160 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 320 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 640 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 1280 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 2560 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 5120 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 10240 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 19000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 23000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 28000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 33000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 38000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 43000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 48000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 53000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 57000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 20 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 40 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 80 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 160 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 320 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 640 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 1280 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 2560 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 5120 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 10240 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 19000 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 23000 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 28000 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 33000 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 38000 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 43000 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 48000 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 53000 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 57000 Hz=0
[Lossy compression output optimization]
Spike Protation pre-emphasis time=15
[Direct soundcard access]
Device ID=Microsoft Sound Mapper
Buffer size=0.999627471
Send to Winamp=Nothing
ASIO Override channel 1=4
ASIO Override channel 2=5
[Low latency output]
Buffer size=0.080000006
ASIO Override channel 1=2
ASIO Override channel 2=3
ASIO Enabled=1
Sound card=
[Soundcard - Normal output]
Device ID=Microsoft Sound Mapper
Buffer size=0.999627471
ASIO Override channel 1=0
ASIO Override channel 2=1
[Soundcard - Input]
Device ID=Microsoft Sound Mapper
Sample rate=44100
Buffer size=0
ASIO Override channel 1=0
ASIO Override channel 2=1
Analog input=0
Maximum restored peak=4
Reduction precision=0.870000005
Maximum expected distortion level=0.110000007
Definitely clipped if below (relative)=0.974999964
Probably clipped if below (relative)=0.774999976
Maybe clipped if below (relative)=0.649999976
Not clipped if below (absolute)=4090
Clipping straight line margin=0.199999988
Clipped if below short term margin=0.199999988
Clipped if below short term margin Enabled=1
Only declip if tilt can be determined=1
Do not allow restored peaks to be lower than clipped signal=0
Do not reconstruct if reconstructed signal resembles original - threshold=1
Do not reconstruct if reconstructed signal resembles original - texture threshold=1
Amount of peak samples to remove - long term=0.100000001
Amount of peak samples to remove - short term=0.400000006
Tilt default level=0
Tilt maximum adjustment per measurement=0.027777778
Tilt level detection enabled=1
Tilt minimum level=-0.125
Tilt maximum level=0.125
Only declip if clipping histogram spike is symmetrical=0
Declip if (type)=3
Declip if type 4 long term margin=0.920000017
Dynamically increase probably clipped level=1
Dynamically increase maybe clipped level=1
Veil normal down speed (dB/ms)=2
Veil after spike down speed (dB/ms)=4
Veil speed drop time reduction time after spike (ms)=1
Veil margin=0.899999976
MP3 margin=0.924999952
MP3 number of samples=1
Display - Show input=1
Display - Show tilted=1
Display - Show output=0
Display - Show output big=1
[Natural Dynamics]
After AGC=0
Expected input level=3
Effect strength=1
Smooth time=16
Keep transients=1
Half value time=0.150000006
Expected maximum volume - Band 1=7494.120117188
Expected maximum volume - Band 2=7494.120117188
Expected maximum volume - Band 3=7319.359863281
Expected maximum volume - Band 4=7319.359863281
Expected maximum volume - Band 5=6969.840332031
Expected maximum volume - Band 6=5571.760253906
Expected maximum volume - Band 7=3659.679931641
Expected maximum volume - Band 8=2261.600097656
Expected maximum volume - Band 9=1223.320068359
Maximum relative boost - Band 1=1
Maximum relative boost - Band 2=1
Maximum relative boost - Band 3=1
Maximum relative boost - Band 4=1
Maximum relative boost - Band 5=1
Maximum relative boost - Band 6=1
Maximum relative boost - Band 7=1
Maximum relative boost - Band 8=1
Maximum relative boost - Band 9=1
[Pre Compressor Bass]
Maximum relative volume=1.169999957
Attack speed=0.000050317
Decay speed=0.00214558
Remove remaining peaks above (relative to maximum volume)=1
[Side Channels]
Channel 1 Enabled=0
Channel 2 Enabled=0
Channel 1 Volume=10
Channel 2 Volume=10
Lowpass frequency=7000
[Soundcard - Input 2]
Device ID=Microsoft Sound Mapper
ASIO Override channel 1=-1
ASIO Override channel 2=-1
Separate thread=1

Author:  hvz [ Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Command line 6.21 crashing...

Did you change anything? Because if I understand you correctly it used to work fine?

Does the problem always occur at the same spot (near 8 MB)?

And just to make sure: you do have enough free disk space? ;)

Author:  ohangelo [ Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Command line 6.21 crashing...

no changes...

piping, I get a resultant mp3 of about 800K, or about ~30 seconds

using files instead of pipes, ST never saves the output WAV file.

Using the same sts settings, I can use winamp (ST via DSP) and the MP3 file writer, and I get a good file. This is my workaround for now.

Plenty of disk space (at least 300gb free).

As you pointed out, this did work fine. I cannot imagine what I could have changed on my PC that has caused this to stop working.

I did notice something --

When you run stereo_tool_cmd with -V, the output shows differently from when it's called with -v (lowercase). Maybe this is expected, but I thought -v would be "somewhat" verbose, and -V would be "VERY" verbose... but instead, they seem to have about the same amount of information, but the contents seem to be different across -v / -V.

I'm not where my setup is, or I would paste an example.

Author:  hvz [ Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Command line 6.21 crashing...

So it doesn't write to a .wav file either?! Can you try - just to check that permissions etc. are fine - if you can create a file by typing:

echo > wavefilename.wav

I think the -v and -V behavior is normal: One lists a summary, the other lists all the parameters it knows. In a different format.

Author:  ohangelo [ Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Command line 6.21 crashing...

Sorry for my delay in getting back here...

Yes, write permissions aren't a problem-- remember, my first batch file was working, and with pipes and redirecting stdin/stdout, I was getting ~30 second MP3 files (about 800Kb)...

I noticed that my converted MP3s were coming in at an odd size, which is what had me deconstructing this to determine where in the process the crash was occurring.

I can convert using Winamp (DSP) + MP3 output plugin, but the MP3 output plugin is buggy (If there's a Winamp playlist, it will write the current song's mp3 file with the next song in the playlist's ID3 tags... my life is confusing enough!)

Rest of the disclosure about this system:

Win 7, 64bit
Core I5 cpu
8Gb Ram
500gb C drive, 1000gb D drive... neither are full.

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