With composite clipper you will not get much modulation more if you set pilot lower. Also not great idea to set pilot low, less then 8%. Default is 9%, wich is good value, you can set it to 8% and you will notice almost nothing changed in demodulated L/R. in my personal testing i actually found 10% pilot is better (safer), meaning some strange receivers need that level to even detect stereo.
Same for RDS, 4.5 is fine, 5% is safer.
Hi, yes I know, but I was referring to the analysis of the MPX, not to actual pilot/RDS output levels. If you discard the pilot from the demodulated MPX (using Leiff's MPX-tool), then you will see that due to the composite clipper the peak levels will increase with ST, while they decrease with most public Dutch stations that apparently employ some other kind of composite clipping.
As for MPX-output, I prefer to just precisely adhere to the standard (i.e. 9% / 4,5% respectively), but that's only because I'm an obsessed perfectionist, or as they would call it a "pixelneuker" here in analogy to graphics perfectionism