I have an issue with µMPX in the 10.41 in Standalone Linux ALSA as well as VST2-Plugin 32bit. The µMPX Decoder runs into Dropouts. The current relative playbackspeed is either 18994.0 Hz @ 19000 Hz or 19006.0 Hz at 19000 Hz and this leads to under and overruns
Happens as well on RPI Decoders as well as Windows using latest Version. When downgrading to 10.10 Version Stereotool everything is back to normal.
I cannot explain this. Your screenshot looks like the buffer filling line drops to 0 seconds and then restarts. That could point at a CPU usage problem, if the new version is somehow slightly heavier than the old one and you were already close to 100% CPU usage, it could be that the new version doesn't run fast enough. That's also the only thing that would explain both ALSA and VST.
But that doesn't match withy the playback speeds that you mentioned. Where do you see those? It's also really strange that the number appears to jump with 6 Hz steps.
Sample rate issues could be caused by the fact that we updated the I/O library at some point in the past months, but that would have no impact on the VST version.