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Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2008 1:40 am Posts: 11394
Hi all,
Latest version - Beta 10.31-062 (Aug 31 2024)
- Removed full adaptive compressor mode selection for MB2, since that's not included in this build (was needed for Parallel mode).
We are close to a release build, please report any issues you find.
- Renamed "MicroMPX ports" to "MicroMPX inputs" in MicroMPX decoder
- Updated Bojcha's QuadBender preset to the latest version
- Web interface: Fixed alignment issue in MicroMPX builds
- Native GUI: Fixed issue with scrollbar in top meterbar; was as high as the meterbar itself.
- MicroMPX multicast issue directly after startup
- Add loading presets via JSON (nrk)
- Update Pi 5 image: ... y-drivers/
- Finish US pricing, update prices.
- MicroMPX overview app
- When sound card/stream recovers after error, clarify current message which appears to indicate that it's not streaming at all.
- Remove Stokkemask Clipper?
- Remove Simple Clipper from STXtreme
- Phase Delay isn't disabled at low latency settings, causing extra delay.
- Soms geeft "GetSamplesScrollSize" -1 terug, omdat scrolled[index] 0 is. Dat wijst op een issue met updaten van de waveform op momenten dat dat niet nodig is. Op dat moment doet 'ie dus onnodig een volledige redraw. In debugmode gebeurt dat vaak.
- MicroMPX GPS: Extreme amounts of logging when GPS data doesn't come in due to bad antenna. Causes disk to fill up in a day, so the logging cleanup also doesn't help.
- LiveWire 48 kHz FM output doesn't work with ASIO
- Enabling Parallel MB's sometimes hangs (deadlock in Sync code?)
- Streaming: Add FLAC support
- SFN via NTP: Waviness every 5 minutes and long periods.
- Test SDI
- Get rid of old presets (console)
- GUI: Sound card buffer slider behavior
- Verify that inputs 1 and 2 have separate tilt corrections.
- Analyzer
- MicroMPX via TCP should be simple now, but might require some redesign...
- Mac AU plugin should be easy to make now
- Create small program to send UDP or TCP commands for UECP. Maybe even real UECP commands... Could be the start of a new product
For now, ncat works (example: echo PS=Hello | ncat 4001), see
- I/O: Add file input (and output?) so we can use files as backup material. Maybe both let it run all the time or make something like in MicroMPX that only plays when needed and pauses in between.
- I/O: AES67
- MicroMPX: Make readSlidingWindow smarter; only copy if necessary (lazy).
- MicroMPX V5: Add L/R peak levels to encoder and decoder libraries.
- MicroMPX V5: Simplify header structure
- Add test tones to check phase and level issues for FM, like in old calibration.
- Fix stepping of sound card buffer sizes (without control/shift should be 1, not .1 or 10).
- Add RDS2 slide shows
- Check report: Generic plugin crashes on mono input
- Multi-line translations fail (.stl): Fix reading
- GUI: Don't show 2nd channel for mono processing
- Check compressor warning (or later)
- Delay issue in MPX display; not synchronized with the audio.
- Overview screen password protection: How should that work?
- Overview screen: Error should be shown here.
- Advanced Clipper: Check and improve filter-vibrations code. Also make it for mids.
- Mono bass for HD cannot be enabled without enabling the other "Reduce stereo" settings as well; needs to be split off just like for FM.
- MicroMPX: Somehow detect and report number of incoming streams
- Do something to draw graphs even without audio
- Pragma messages: Check and remove where possible
- Check BIMP meter bar; dynamics section MB on/off removes top bar
- MicroMPX: Add error checking for IP addresses, don't open if the address isn't complete. (Maybe wait for ENTER? - Web interface).
- Figure out which settings to put in overview screen
- Mac: If the sound card doesn't exist on startup and you try to close, nothing happens. Then attempting again crashes ST.
- Improve sound card error messages on STXtreme
- Pi 5 version doesn't detect HifiBerry. -> Adding ,slave helps, but for which cards is this needed? Ask HifiBerry -> ... 4212871453
- Run Valgrind on multi-instance.
- MicroMPX: Extra priority setting for during startup.
- Think about MicroMPX post processing performance. Is anything possible here? Just 2% less would probably be sufficient... Maybe remove scaling? -> No; no effect. Maybe do initializing at prio idle?
- MicroMPX: “umpxDecoderGetStreamFeedback()”: the signal lost counter in umpxDecoderStreamInfo seems to be stuck or sometimes not to count up when there is no input (with pilot generation active, internal sync turned off). I can’t rule out the problem is on our side, but it was working before and I think we did not change anything handling the umpxDecoderStreamInfo.
- Manual?
- Streaming must read data from files from a separate thread,
- Can we add an automatic gate for Blue Monday? Detecteer harde tikken die even hard zijn als input maar toch steeds harder worden en te hard zijn.
- STAMP license error message is only visible in the native GUI (which doesn't exist); how do we show it in the correct GUI (the one in which the button was clicked)? Same question for overview page.
- DHD: Remove logging, probably.
- DHD: Add FM Professional to purchase options on the site.
- Fix Declipper issues reported in ... 4&start=30 and on Discord
- Restart when sound card does not work is not working anymore
- Some complaint about RDS in 10.20,
- .st.gui_override does not survive firmware updates in SD card image; needs to look in root directory.
- AES67: If a LiveWire port is selected under "Device" but nothing is detected there, that port number overwrites the active port field on preset loading. The pulldown itself cannot be changed if nothing is detected.
- Advanced Clipper: MAYBE make a filter that limits how much bass mids and highs protection can remove at the most. Can be done later.
- Does Blue Monday with new compressor get better if I slow down reference release?
- AGC: Most likely we'll also need to change the release behavior compared to the compressors.
- AGC: Bojcha: Some other stuf really needed, - startup level - return to platform - gate after agc (please) - some sort of compressor or some protection for bursts like on old AGC - why freeze is not fully freeze (there is delay)
- MicroMPX: Run as service?
- Update clipper, optimize for new compressor
- Preset exporting: Auto-fill file name.
- Web interface: 2nd meter bar color is always orange, but must be less bright version of main color for input gain, MPX out etc. - Waiting for web interface update
- Loading a Stereo Tool preset on PiMP also sets things like whitelist, blocking access.
- Make RDS/RDBS selectable or something, independent of 50/75 us pre-emhpasis.
- New compressor: Matrix mode: Limiters work on L+R and L-R, instead of L and R. That's probably bad.
- MicroMPX: Allow RDS settings in library?
- PEQ in MicroMPX FM output?
- VMware licensing 2w
- M. mails! + Contract
- Sensitivity scrolling vs sliding
- MicroMPX: Check pilot cleanness in decoder if pilot frequency is slightly off (19005 Hz).
- Add capture output soundcard??? (Wasapi loopback?)
- Web interface: MicroMPX decoder display "ports" field gets too small after switching to another tab and then back, with a relatively small window.
- Also, I notice when adjusting the buffer, there's no way to adjust by 1ms. There's 0.1ms (CTRL), 10ms (SHIFT), but it doesn't go by 1ms when no modifier is held. It would also be very handy to have the Synchronize with HD slider in between the HD and FM output cells instead of hidden in the More FM Output Settings.
- Reset skin, and other things (basically anything that can be loaded?)
- Pi: Make network settings changeable via web interface.
- Startup delay on MicroMPX?
- Upload SD card image updater somewhere
- Update LiquidSoap links
- mndxer1049: Better Natural Dynamics section with WB dynamic detection
- mndxer1049: A very transparent, C-Level like new AGC design
- mndxer1049: Auto Stereo Pilot
- mndxer1049: Maybe: A button for putting all CPU settings at the maximum value and turning on all CPU intensive settings that only improve audio, but take quite a bit of CPU load. (ex. sliders like ‘Quality (increases CPU load)’ under DeClipper restoration, “Strictness (CPU)” and “Leif’s highs gap protection stages (CPU)’ under Clipper just to name a few of these ”CPU sliders” I’m referencing.)
- Display bug in MPX display (weird spectrum glitches that occur occasionally)
- Add streaming output to VST version?
- In the audio input section I'd like to see options for speakers to be included without having the need to use virtual cables to route. I was thinking something similar to Rocket Broadcaster. There's input for mic and separate application source.
- MicroMPX decoder: High frequency tilt correction is performed BEFORE data is collected for display, looks like overshoots.
- Auto pilot
- Redesign ND dynamics detection
- Maybe add some frequency display to MPX display. ... 16&t=33720
- Remove 45 degrees angle in gonio meters ... 16&t=33699
- Add numeric displays to ITU and MPX levels in GUI ... 16&t=33686
- Insert/delete bands in multiband compressor, instead of (like now) just having to add/remove the last one when the number of bands changes.
- Non-phase linear: For example ... rworth.cpp
- gStreamer AES67?
- STXtreme errors when reusing sound card
- STXtreme set shared sample rate (instances can set different sample rates)
- Azimuth affects highs!!
- Password change requires entering same password 3x first time
- Password protection broken display after logout/change
- Preset load page must be smaller for STXtreme
- Cursor keys in web interface
- Mac: VST3 GUI.
- Ratio slider smarter steps (1.1, 1.2 etc) - MattL
- Meters: add separate FM/HD output level displays.
- New compressor and matrix mode?
- Add 0.05 precision to parametric EQ and attack/release multipliers
- RDS: Add settings for how long texts are shown or how fast to scroll for UECP inputs.
- AES67 generic mode: Let people enter IP address directly.
- Add PWarnMini for Diff
- MicroMPX: Show temperature
- MicroMPX: Show status per incoming port
- Win10 scheduler appears to ignore ideal CPU cores since last (few) update(s)
- Links: ID_GOTO must be a PLink that points somewhere.
- Dynamic speeds: License detection only works after audio has been running, that's not ok.
- When audio has run after a settings change, trigger a parsetChanged
- Time offset on STXtreme, for RDS (also for ClockTime!)
- New GUI: Support smaller monitors (smaller default size, especially for VST). Contact near05.
- Export presets from web interface needs filtering, just like from native (so the code is there! Just reuse CopyPresetOm*).
- Mac: VST2 sizes
- Mac: gavinmcgrath: "Intel MacOS 11.7.3 in Wavelab 11.1: Blank screen." ... 407#p73407
- Stand alone RDS decoder
- GUI: Check RGBLUT_Combine2 performance
- CPU usage of REFRESH_ENABLED is high, maybe use local array.
- PDcWave delay not set
- Flashing peq/mb eq bars in GUI
- Software update requires Admin rights
- WatchCat: Keep track of when files have been processed and ignore them, but don't move them. (DropBox)
- WatchCat: Can we include ffmpeg and lame?
- Pens
- Add latency wizard?
- setFaultyValue for text boxes for wrong passwords for example - check with Tom how to use
- Can we enable FM Calibration in "Ignore high frequencies" mode? Not easily
- Add check for running ST multiple times; make switchable if we want to allow it or ask if you really want to start if it already runs or something.
- Matt: Pre-emphasize highs slider needs to get a clearer description! Something with avoid overshoots. Basically a sidechain EQ. "Add highs to sidechain".
- Matt: UECP must be more easily accessible, too deep now.
- Matt: FM+AM
- New I/O framework: Add extra latency to plugin input so the input 2 to LQLL can be instantaneous.
- Check Bojcha's good bass HPF settings (18200 Hz, ignore high frequencies, 48 kHz, 35 Hz HPF)
- libVLC with FDK???
Latest version - Beta 10.31-061 (Aug 30 2024)
Replace links with 1031-061
- License page: Show Advanced Compressor mode as option under Advanced Dynamics
- DcWaveBox (2nd row of declipper displays in declipper overview page) must draw to background color instead of black
- Remove Parallel MB's for release
- In x86 decoder Linux 64 bit v4.2.4 password to JSON works fine
))) - I'm running x86 encoder linux 64 bit; unfortunately the password to www and JSON doesn't work in it -> Seems fine here, ask to re-test and double check version number.
We are close to a release build, please report any issues you find.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-059 (Aug 28 2024)
Replace links with 1031-059
- GUI: Default setting for start minimized to tray was wrong, causing problems on initial setup.
- GUI: Preset ordering buttons didn't work in previous 2 beta's.
We are close to a release build, please report any issues you find.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-058 (Aug 27 2024)
Replace links with 1031-058
- GUI: Last page no longer kept for reopening. And for STXtreme we should always open on the main page.
- LOTS of under-the-hood GUI framework changes that hopefully fix things but may also have broken things. If you find anything, please report it here in the forum - Tom will be reading here, sending messages to Hans will cause a delay since he's on holiday and might not see them in time.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-056 (Aug 18 2024)
Replace links with 1031-056
- Web interface: Scopes for MicroMPX encoder tilt are massive
- Web interface: Pulldowns are too narrow in many cases
There are several more fixes. I'm in Iceland and haven't tested anything. Most of the release blockers should be fixed now, only the saving of the last active page remains. The Intel/AMD Linux builds have failed.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-055 (Aug 13 2024)
Replace links with 1031-055
- GUI: Jumping up and down when swtiching between MB tabs when scrolled down, also when selecting different value in pulldown menu.
- Generic plugin: New function added to set read latency, ReadMonoValue and ReadStereoValue latency parameters are deprecated.
- CPU settings loading issue (Valiant) - was broken a long time ago, now ok
- Web interface: MicroMPX is heavy and slow, with big scopes
Latest version - Beta 10.31-054 (Aug 9 2024)
BETA046: Streaming on Mac is still experimental.
Replace links with 1031-054
- JSON password protection -> Was already there, just missing for MicroMPX encoder.
- Update version numbers for Declipper. WatchCat, MicroMPX
- Web interface: Checkboxgroup slider doesn't follow enabled state anymore
- MicroMPX license enabled state for displaying colors was looking at the wrong item.
- Web interface: MicroMPX scope updates multiple times with the same data.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-053 (Aug 8 2024)
BETA046: Streaming on Mac is still experimental.
Replace links with 1031-053
- Sorting presets on last loaded hides anything that has never been loaded. - Intended behavior, keep this way.
- Missing parameter PARAM_Multiband3_voice_link_1_0.
- Set minimum values for Wasapi/MME/KS etc latency override sliders based on user feedback.
- Update presets.
- Update version number to 10.40
Latest version - Beta 10.31-052 (Aug 7 2024)
BETA046: Streaming on Mac is still experimental.
Replace links with 1031-052
- MicroMPX: Hide GPS and sound card settings for Ax
- BETA051 some parameters are unreachable...
- STXtreme front panel fix sizes
- Update other Adaptive Bass Monster presets, check if we should keep them -> Slightly increased band 6, decreased band 4 (each 0.5 dB, should maybe be 1?)
- Pi image: Verify streaming - Works, updating too
- GUI: Fixed AGC 1-band mode bands visible state
- Speech detection 2nd thing is called "Natural Dynamics', and that name is missing later.
- Wideband Compressor shouldn't show Adaptive selection as setting by default.
- Update version number to 10.40
Latest version - Beta 10.31-051 (Aug 6 2024)
BETA046: Streaming on Mac is still experimental.
Replace links with 1031-051
- MB2 "Hear" is missing
- STXtreme: Verify updates -> WORKS
- STXtreme: Verify streaming -> WORKS
- MicroMPX too many (empty) rows shown in web interface
- Get rid of MB Matrix mix L+R into L-R (make deprecated and add "OFF"), per column
- Fix enabled state of MB Matrix titles
- Change default preset? -> Adaptive Bass Monster Dense is now default, but slightly quieter.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-050 (Aug 4 2024)
BETA046: Streaming on Mac is still experimental.
Replace links with 1031-050
- GUI: Pulldown widget sizes fixed, especially important on STXtreme front panel.
- Get rid of voice presets under Repair and Broadcasting - they were shown there accidentally.
- Web interface broken in mobile mode (phone), selecting "Desktop mode" solves it.
- Web interface: Phone: Sliding sliders is difficult if the screen is too small and also scrolls.
- GUI: Startup is a bit faster, some things were calculated before the DPI size was known and often had to be recalculated.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-046 (Aug 1 2024)
BETA046: Streaming on Mac is still experimental.
Replace links with 1031-046
- Cleaned up Parallel multiband settings (proper location, hidden when one of the MB's is off, etc)
- GUI initialization optimizations
- Updated PortAudio again; Kernel Streaming should work better on 24 bit devices. (Glitches are gone).
- Reverted PortAudio to 3-year-old version for ARM32 because one customer has a sound card that is no longer detected. Waiting for more info.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-045 (July 31 2024)
BETA042: Streaming on Linux and Mac is experimental.
Replace links with 1031-045
- Updated PortAudio library; Wasapi devices that had glitches should be ok now! Waiting for feedback to make sure nothing broke.
- AX MicroMPX encoder build doesn't see 2-ch sound card anymore, added logging. Testing new PortAudio version; if it doesn't work we'll have to revert to the one used in 10.30.
- Web interface: Preset handling is now on-par with native GUI.
- Web interface: Fixed possible cause for NAN's in server communication.
- Load standard libsndfile using .so.1 file name if it fails without .1
Latest version - Beta 10.31-043 (July 27 2024)
BETA042: Streaming on Linux and Mac is experimental.
Replace links with 1031-043
- GUI: Loading and saving via web interface now works the same as via native, with tree structure to select what to load/save. (Large rewrite which may affect native GUI as well, so far we haven't seen any issues)
- Bojcha: KS input sometimes returns NAN's, especially directly after startup - added filter that converts those to 0.
- Web interface causes crash on FM Transmitter page on startup due to waveform drawing
- Web interface: ENTER doesn't work, updating texts broken after 6-digits commit.
- Fixed some build issue that may have caused streaming problems on Mac.
- Add GatesAir CortexA53 version Wait for build result
Latest version - Beta 10.31-042 (July 25 2024)
BETA042: Streaming on Linux and Mac is experimental.
Replace links with 1031-042
- Mac: Why does AAC not load? Fixed. wait for test
- "Perfect Declipper" plugin top bar was broken
- Stereo displays are broken
- Linux: Add streaming to ThimeoAll image
- Linux: Also create .zip files for ARM builds.
- Hide Immersive Bass if it's disabled (make deprecated, use Bass Exciter instead)
- STXtreme several filters removed that aren't useful in a hardware box (DeReverb, FM hiss removal).
- AAC: handle automatic license upgrades in Stereo Tool
- STXtreme: AAC streaming still doesn't work, why???? -> Didn't like 192 kHz, downsampling added.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-039 (July 21 2024)
BETA039: Streaming on Linux is experimental; on Mac it doesn't appear to work yet.
Replace links with 1031-039
- Added streaming to Linux stand alone and ARM builds.
- Streaming now checks if libraries are loaded and shows a nicer error message.
- AAC: Add streaming for Mac
- Streaming: Create .zip files with all dependencies for Linux
- Streaming: Add dependencies for Mac installer
Replace links with 1031-038
- Added AAC licensing (not yet updating)
- Fixed AAC DLL dependency which caused issues on STXtreme, potentially elsewhere as well.
- AAC: Add streaming for Linux
- AAC: License it
- Streaming: Delay loading for Linux (this also greatly affects the Windows code, so it's a bit risky)
- ARM32: Changed CryptoPP library build to target A9 instead of A7 for certain hardware devices.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-036 (July 16 2024)
BETA036: AAC/AAC+ streaming is experimental, and while we're handling licensing, only usable for testing because it puts Stereo Tool in unregistered mode.
- Previous build was partially broken (didn't start) due to adding AAC streaming.
- Test AAC, HE-AAC, HE-AAC2 - run a local IceCast server - issues solved, works!
- More GUI code simplifications
Latest version - Beta 10.31-035 (July 13 2024)
Replace links with 1031-035
- GUI: Fixed some issues in pulldown menu's.
- GUI: Some memory/performance optimizations.
- MicroMPX SFN via NTP: Tried to analyze what's wrong (took multiple days). Reset problem at midnight is solved. General waviness/moving delay appears to be caused by a specific NTP server or program that's used; no fix yet, waiting for more info to see if we need to do anything about this.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-032 (July 7 2024)
Replace links with 1031-032
- Fixed more GUI mouse control issues that broke with the introduction of tab control, mainly in multi-instance build (ST-Enterprise, STXtreme).
Latest version - Beta 10.31-031 (July 5 2024)
There may be some mouse control issues left in the GUI.
Replace links with 1031-031
- Enable RDS2 in STXtreme: Add uploading logo file via web interface.
- Fixed most of the GUI mouse issues (not all of them yet)
- Order on last loaded (presets) didn't work
Latest version - Beta 10.31-029 (July 3 2024)
There may be some mouse control issues left in the GUI.
Replace links with 1031-029
- Most of the GUI mouse issues are fixed.
- MicroMPX web interface skinning added
- MicroMPX FEC etc data - waiting for feedback
Latest version - Beta 10.31-026 (June 25 2024)
There are some mouse control issues in the GUI.
Replace links with 1031-026
- BS412 moved to just before clipper; no longer affects HD output and works better as well (setting added to switch).
- (Temporary) logging added for GPS stamping in Stereo Tool/MicroMPX encoder.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-025 (June 25 2024)
There are some mouse control issues in the GUI.
Replace links with 1031-025
- Fixed RDS RT+ crash when using : inside an RT+ field.
- Fixed Valgrind uninitialized values warning
- RDS ECC etc settings display is wrong, weird long codes.
- RDS ECC is part of Advanced RDS? -> Yes.
- MicroMPX reset GPS clock on sound card reopen in Stereo Tool. -> Was already ok.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-023 (June 18 2024)
Warning: One user has reported random crashes in the last few beta builds. We don't know yet what's causing them.
Replace links with 1031-023
- Add Intellilimiter display?
- Added ARM32 Cortex A9 libThimeo non-X11 build.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-022 (June 16 2024)
Replace links with 1031-022
- Added ARM32 NoX11 generic build
- Updated Intrasonics tests for Linux build
- Some GUI improvements
- MicroMPX: Check NTP behavior if clock jumps backwards in time slightly. -> Should be good
Latest version - Beta 10.31-021 (June 14 2024)
Replace links with 1031-021
- Linux version without GUI works without crashing now.
- RDS timing broke when we introduced RDS2 in 10.30, was sped up by a factor 4 (so texts were displayed 1/4th of the time they should be).
- PI code via NCAT doesn't appear to always update => Yes it does, something appears to be wrong on one specific system.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-020 (June 13 2024)
Replace links with 1031-020
- VST2/3 crashed, fixed.
- MicroMPX: Verify RDS2 phases - probably ok. -> YES.
- MicroMPX non-library encoder: Verify that it still works -> Yes, must have been a Windows issue.
- Linux version without GUI gets further but still crashes, will be fixed today.
- Something goes wrong when switching between new compressor presets Mathijs and Hans -> Not with new build... weird. Let's keep an eye on this, but for now it seems ok.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-018 (June 11 2024)
Replace links with 1031-018
- Lots of VST3 changes (also some code changes for VST2, but that's only code cleanup, no effects expected).
Latest version - Beta 10.31-017 (June 9 2024)
- MicroMPX: Optimized codec when using fewer RDS2 carriers
- MicroMPX: Optimized codec by reducing phase precision, saves 1 byte per carrier. This should be perfectly fine (to be tested more)
- MicroMPX library: Fix Intel64 Linux start sweep
- MicroMPX: Fix VM macvlan licensing
Latest version - Beta 10.31-016 (June 7 2024)
- GUI: Added tab support to move between widgets.
- GUI: Made (stereo) volume displays in top bar wider so it looks more consistent with the rest of the meters.
- GUI: Added accent color used when FM output L/R demodulated audio is > 0 dB.
- GUI: CPU meter colors don't change the full bar anymore; different sections have different colors now.
- GUI: Tray icon behavior broke a few beta's ago (it could disapear), should be fixed now.
- GUI: VST default value triangles display fix; they were sometimes shown even if the default value was active.
- GUI: Narrow mode for the top bar, where it hides any text when the screen becomes too small.
- Clipper: Fixed a bug where certain data was shared between FM and HD clipping which at the very least caused unnecessary recalculations, and possibly also some audio effects.
- Fernc add ARM 64 non-X11 build (check email) TEST
- Create Linux64 build with Intrasonics (check email) TEST
- Mac VST3 build should work! TEST
- Clipper performance: NOT_TOO_OFTEN line 3850 Clip1Ch.cpp is constantly called.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-013 (May 25 2024)
Replace links with 1031-013
- Complete rewrite and simplification of window sizing behavior. There may be bugs, but they should be much easier to fix now. This will hopefully help a lot with VST plugins.
- For MicroMPX, we had to update the ARM64 compiler (there was a bug in the version that we used, and we didn't want to try to work around that). This shouldn't have any effect.
- ARM 32 bit builds showed "0" in the (web) interface for all parameters that contain whole numbers, such as the MicroMPX FEC settings and port numbers. (This broke several releases ago; issue was display-only, the sliders did work).
Latest version - Beta 10.31-012 (May 24 2024)
Replace links with 1031-012
- MicroMPX: Add RDS2 support
- MicroMPX: Make performance without RDS2 the same as it was before. One thread is now 20% heavier. This might be non-trivial.
- GUI: Crash which makes GUI hang fixed (bands-display sometimes doesn't have EQ data, that made it crash).
Latest version - Beta 10.31-010 (May 19 2024)
Replace links with 1031-010
- RDS: Added Long PS (LPS) support for RDS, allowing RDS texts up to 32 UTF-8 characters (so also Chinese etc). Works via the GUI, also via ASCII mode (LPS= or LONGPS=) and UECP.
- New compressor: Added Gate hold for dynamic gate. Can be used to make sure you don't get stuck if the level suddenly drops a lot, and hence also to use this gate more aggressively. 1 second hold, 2 second release look like sane values (default hold is infinite for compatibility).
- Multi-line translations in .stl files contained enters, which caused those lines to be skipped. That's fixed for generating the file, not yet for reading the translations.
- VST/Mac: Lots of VST improvements (still work in progress); hard to describe without a lot of text but the behavior might be better now.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-008 (May 16 2024)
Replace links with 1031-008
- MicroMPX encoder: Added a mode to make SFN work with the system clock (enabling accurate NTP adjustments is highly recommended if you use this), no need for a GPS receiver on the encoder end anymore.
- Added Pi 5 mode under "Limit CPU", CPU usage is about halfway between Pi 4 and Medium.
- VST bug fix in parameters handling that could potentially have caused crashes (unknown since when).
Latest version - Beta 10.31-005 (May 11 2024)
Replace links with 1031-005
- Finished optimizing MicroMPX decoder. CPU usage for Cortex-A9 builds is slightly higher than in the previous beta, but also gives better output (at 80 dB below the audio level). Let us know if you need an even more-optimized version.
- GUI: Fixed inverted coloring for boolean switches
Latest version - Beta 10.31-004 (May 8 2024)
Replace links with 1031-004
- Optimized MicroMPX decoder performance (-7%, heaviest thread -20%, on ARM 32 bit).
- GUI: Added Multiband live meters to native GUI (just like in web interface).
- GUI: Meters are now skinnable. (Some splits need to be made still).
- GUI: Click/drag distance check that determines when you hold the mouse button without moving for 0.5 seconds for precise control restored, was gone in latest release.
- GUI: Shrink the meter bar when a popup is open
- Web interface: Scopes and MPX display were broken since BETA001, solved.
Latest version - Beta 10.31-002 (May 1 2024)
Change links to 1031-002
Latest version - Beta 10.31-001 (Apr 5 2024)
Replace links with 1031-001
- Re-enable PortAudio update
- Re-enable IceCast 2.4.6 update
- GUI/Web: Rewrite of wave display code, should work better than before, and skinning for declipper-veil displays works.