1. Will presets made with the old version (9.92) translate to version 10 100% or is it better to keep the old version for recall?
2. Are all the old expert tweaker settings available in the new version and if not, is there a list to see which ones have been deprecated?
3. In the old version ACR Stereo was described as "the best" stereo effect. I really liked it, but cannot find it in the new version. Has it been discarded, is it now called something else, or is it just not ready yet?
4. Are all the overviews going to be re-instated? For example on 9.92 when you click on Stereo you can see at-a-glance which filters are active for this type of processing.
Hi, I think I can answer most of these.
1. I believe the intent, as with all release versions of ST, is to be fully backward compatible with older presets. I don't think they want folks to keep using older versions outside of academic purposes. Though you may or may not need to enable the flag to show depreciated settings in your ini... I had trouble finding the toggle for this in the GUI itself.
2. All of the settings are supposed to be nested within cells and popovers. The intent was to remove the requirement for changing Operating Modes while keeping all settings available.
3. I could be wrong, but I think that's the basic Stereo Boost effect. One way to check is to make a blank preset with only ACR enabled in the old GUI. Then import it in the new GUI and see what filter is enabled.
4. There is a Processing or Repair Overview popover at the bottom of the Quick Adjust menus (not the one located with the "HOME" button, the one located by clicking Processing or Repair). There is also a metering-only page accessible by clicking the dial-meter-looking logo next to the "Home" button at the very top, which allows you to navigate to any enabled filter quickly.