I use the 32bit Version of v9.92 in VST.
The VST streams out µMPX.
As "SendToWinamp" Option I have "De-Emphasized version of FM Output"
When I start my Broadcast Automation Software is started the VST is initalized in the background and the streaming starts.
But: The streaming output is NOT de-emphasized, in fact is has the 50µs. This lasts until I open the GUI of Stereo Tools. Then instantly without doing anything else the de-emphasis is applied. So maybe there is an issue that some parameters are only set when the GUI is shown.
You can listen to a recording here:
First it starts with preemphasis. After 25 seconds i open the GUI and then the deemphasis kicks in.
It's a bit ugly, because when the PC reboots for whatever reasons (Windows Update) and I forget to open the VST GUI, my stream has too much heights.
Is there any chance for a fix?
Best regards,