Stereo Tool

Sharing my config
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Author:  marius_s [ Sat Jul 10, 2010 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Sharing my config

First of all, congratulations to the developer for the awesome tool.

Adn here's my configuration. I have a stereo audio system, nothing fancy at all, an on-board Intel audio card. This configuration is intended to increase bass to my great variety of music I listen. I'd like some suggestions and feedback on it. Is it exaggerated in bass or other things? I also listen to old music and low quality mp3s, like <128 kbps.
Pre amplifier=1.5
Post amplifier=0.799999952
Extra loudness=1
Extra loudness - Very deep bass relative clipping level=0
Extra loudness - Allow extra lows (advanced)=0
Extra loudness - Allow extra highs (advanced)=0
Extra loudness - Punchy=0.224999905
Extra loudness - Max Punch peak=0.75
Extra loudness - Deep bass protection - Enabled=1
Extra loudness - Deep bass protection - Difference=0
Extra loudness - Deep bass protection - Value=0.638750076
Bass protection - Enabled=1
Bass protection - Two steps=1
Bass protection - Clip level=145.949996948
Bass protection - Deep bass boost=100
Bass protection - Raise clip level if highs get above=135.13999939
Bass protection - Maximum clip level raise=31.529998779
Hard limit output=0
Process for low latency=1
Extra loudness - Forcibly remove DC component caused by Loudness=0
[Noise Gate]
Noise level=6
Relative noise gate level - Band 1=1
Relative noise gate level - Band 2=1
Relative noise gate level - Band 3=1
Relative noise gate level - Band 4=1
Relative noise gate level - Band 5=1
Relative noise gate level - Band 6=1
Relative noise gate level - Band 7=1
[Singleband Compressor]
Maximum volume=1.5
Attack speed=0.000149978
Decay speed=0.01500234
Above Top Limiter=0.879999995
[Pre Compressor]
Delay enabled=0
Remove remaining loud peaks=1
Maximum volume - Band 1=30000
Maximum volume - Band 2=14230
Attack speed - Band 1=0.000005001
Attack speed - Band 2=0.000005001
Decay speed - Band 1=0.000249943
Decay speed - Band 2=0.000249943
Attack speed - Band 3=0.000005001
Decay speed - Band 3=0.000249943
Dual band=1
Third band=1
Relative expected volume of highs=0.649999976
Relative maximum volume of highs=3
Relative maximum volume of very highs=0.329999983
Remove remaining peaks above (relative to maximum volume)=1.75
Maximum expected dynamics strength for smoothing=1
Enable smoothing=0
Smoothing time=0
Gating level=61504
Use ITU-BS.1770=0
Channel separation=0.449999988
[Multiband Compressor]
Delay enabled=0
Very high quality enabled=1
Maximum volume - Band -1=8139.999511719
Maximum volume - Band 0=7460
Maximum volume - Band 1=7299.999511719
Maximum volume - Band 2=7000
Maximum volume - Band 3=6850
Maximum volume - Band 4=6310
Maximum volume - Band 5=5670
Maximum volume - Band 6=5100
Maximum volume - Band 7=3050
Maximum volume - Band 8=1300
Attack speeds linked=1
Attack speed - Band -1=0.000040472
Attack speed - Band 0=0.000040472
Attack speed - Band 1=0.000040472
Attack speed - Band 2=0.000040472
Attack speed - Band 3=0.000040472
Attack speed - Band 4=0.000040472
Attack speed - Band 5=0.000040472
Attack speed - Band 6=0.000040472
Attack speed - Band 7=0.000040472
Attack speed - Band 8=0.000040472
Decay speeds linked=1
Decay speed - Band -1=0.000251468
Decay speed - Band 0=0.000251468
Decay speed - Band 1=0.000251468
Decay speed - Band 2=0.000251468
Decay speed - Band 3=0.000251468
Decay speed - Band 4=0.000251468
Decay speed - Band 5=0.000251468
Decay speed - Band 6=0.000251468
Decay speed - Band 7=0.000251468
Decay speed - Band 8=0.000251468
Above Top Limiter=0.849999964
Clipping enabled=1
Postprocessing enabled=1
Relative clip position - Band -1=5.060605049
Relative clip position - Band 0=5.060605049
Relative clip position - Band 1=4.128205299
Relative clip position - Band 2=1.985074282
Relative clip position - Band 3=1.985074282
Relative clip position - Band 4=1.857142687
Relative clip position - Band 5=1.702702761
Relative clip position - Band 6=1.197802305
Relative clip position - Band 7=0.709401608
Relative clip position - Band 8=0.204819322
Final limiter value=0.903199971
Final limiter decay speed=0.003997703
Final limiter clipping=1.409638405
Equalizer enabled=1
Equalize before multiband-compression=1
Equalizer position - Band -1=5.060605049
Equalizer position - Band 0=6.142854691
Equalizer position - Band 1=4.263157845
Equalizer position - Band 2=1.631578922
Equalizer position - Band 3=1
Equalizer position - Band 4=1.272727251
Equalizer position - Band 5=1.531645298
Equalizer position - Band 6=2.030302525
Equalizer position - Band 7=1.105262995
Equalizer position - Band 8=0.428571343
Stereo AZIMUTH Enabled=1
Stereo Image Enabled=1
Stereo Boost Enabled=1
Stereo Boost Excessive Reverb Protection Enabled=1
Delay enabled=0
Center bass=1
AZIMUTH limit=41
AZIMUTH change speed=0.310000002
Image phase amplifier=1.25
Image phase amplifier maximum angle=180
Image phase amplifier maximum separation strength=100
Image width amplifier=1.100000024
Extra phase shift=0.059999943
Mono or stereo only=0.100000024
Stereo Boost strength=5.670000076
Stereo Boost maximum amplification=2
Stereo Boost multiplier=1
Stereo Boost - Never reduce below original level=1
[Channel Delay]
Left Delay=0
[Output Filter]
Lowpass filter=14559.999023438
Highpass filter=19.999998093
Highpass filter linearity=Auto
[Final Limiter]
Pre-limiter enabled=1
Pre-limiter relative volume=1.859999895
Reduced CPU processing=0
[FM Transmitter]
Pre-emphasis time=50
Output is pre-emphasized=0
Stereo encoder enabled=0
RDS encoder enabled=0
Pilot signal volume=9
RDS signal volume=4.5
FM overdrive volume=1
RDS PS text=2s:STEREO/2s:TOOL/<1=1.5s,2..-2=2t,-1=1.5s:WWW.STEREOTOOL.COM/|\W"PLAYING %artist% - %title%        "/1s:\T2h\:\T02m\:\T02s/1s:\T2h\:\T02m\.\T02s/1s:\T2h\:\T02m\:\T02s
RDS RadioText text=60s:Stereo Tool: Professional Audio Processing - Tool by Hans van Zutphen, 1999-2008 -\W"%artist% - %title% - %album%"
RDS PI=65535
RDS Alternative frequency 1=0
RDS Alternative frequency 2=0
RDS Alternative frequency 3=0
RDS Alternative frequency 4=0
RDS Alternative frequency 5=0
RDS Alternative frequency 6=0
RDS Alternative frequency 7=0
RDS Alternative frequency 8=0
RDS Alternative frequency 9=0
RDS Alternative frequency 10=0
RDS Alternative frequency 11=0
RDS Alternative frequency 12=0
RDS Alternative frequency 13=0
RDS Alternative frequency 14=0
RDS Alternative frequency 15=0
RDS Alternative frequency 16=0
RDS Alternative frequency 17=0
RDS Alternative frequency 18=0
RDS Alternative frequency 19=0
RDS Alternative frequency 20=0
RDS Alternative frequency 21=0
RDS Alternative frequency 22=0
RDS Alternative frequency 23=0
RDS Alternative frequency 24=0
RDS Alternative frequency 25=0
RDS Music=1
RDS Artificial Head=0
RDS Compressed=1
RDS Dynamic PTY=0
RDS RadioText Enabled=1
RDS ClockTime Enabled=1
FM Transmitter Calibration Enabled=0
MPX Oversampling mode=Follow main Quality setting
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 20 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 40 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 80 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 160 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 320 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 640 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 1280 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 2560 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 5120 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 10240 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 19000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 23000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 28000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 33000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 38000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 43000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 48000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 53000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 57000 Hz=1
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 20 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 40 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 80 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 160 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 320 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 640 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 1280 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 2560 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 5120 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 10240 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 19000 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 23000 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 28000 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 33000 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 38000 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 43000 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 48000 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 53000 Hz=0
FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 57000 Hz=0
[Direct soundcard access]
Device ID=Mappeur de sons Microsoft
Buffer size=1
Send to Winamp=Nothing
ASIO Override channel 1=4
ASIO Override channel 2=5
[Low latency output]
Buffer size=0.079999998
ASIO Override channel 1=2
ASIO Override channel 2=3
[Bass Boost]
Start lowpass frequency of input filter=0
End lowpass frequency of input filter=250
Start lowpass frequency of output filter=250
End lowpass frequency of output filter=350
Clip level=2
Clip level is relative to estimated maximum level=1
Preserve louder peaks=1
[Phase Rotator]
Start frequency=700
Start speed=1400
Number of rotations=4
Thanks to all and best regards.

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