Bochja, can you please explain how you setup gating on this preset? I have all my songs replay gained at RG2 levels, which I think are -18dB. Then I have the input pumped a bit on the DSP model of Stereotool at +5db. There are still some songs that have soft intros that seem to stay under the gate for a bit, which doesn't sound super great after a loud cold ending or some station imaging. What is your ideal input level for this preset? Perhaps my idea of gating isn't correct or needs some improvement.
I understand gating to be a minimum level to which the AGC will reach to bring audio up. If the gating is set to -15dB and my low intro is at -20dB, the AGC won't touch it until the audio gets up to -15dB. Is that correct?
Also, I've heard there's some ability that ST has to use "smart gating", where it monitors the audio and adjusts gating automagically. Maybe that was something else, or somewhere else...
Thanks for the help!
Yes, gating is a problem. Untill Hans set AGCgate after AGC (atleast like an option), it will always be problem. Everyone have different input levels so everyone need to adjust gate to suit input (if ON). Just lower it till you see those problems gone.
No there is no smart gate. But it would be smart if its detection is after AGC.