That should be easy enough. However the part about 50/50 and the buffer not synchronizing worries me - can you send me your buffer size and synchronization settings? And what happens in the 50% of cases where it doesn't recover?
Hm. Is the issue that the sound card name isn't present? They are loaded on startup, assuming that no sound cards are added afterwards.
Edit: Not that easy to do actually. The parameter set needs to be instantiated before the settings file can be loaded. But the instantiation of the parameter set needs the list of available sound cards.
Edit: I've added a command line argument -DELAY. Usage: -DELAY10 will make it wait 10 seconds. (-DELAY1.5 works as well). I'll now check if I can add that argument to the auto-startup with windows option.
Edit: I've added a slider below the "Auto-start with windows", you can set that to any value upto 30 seconds, and it stores that in the command line options in the Run (auto-start) part of the registry. I haven't tested it (I don't want to reboot) but it should work. Next beta (tomorrow?) will have it.