Thanks for the Non SSE2 builds. I am probably the one guy using them.
There seems to be some bugs with the Non SSE2 version of 7.10.
First, the new "Equalizer" and "AGC -> Sidechain" options don't work. Selecting them does nothing, and causes the program to partially lock up. If you exit it then go back into it, the whole screen is blank. If you exit the host application (like Audacity), the process doesn't terminate; it must be forced closed via task manager. Only after doing that and restarting the host application does the Stereo Tool work again.
Also, Multiband doesn't cause any lockups, but it doesn't work and behaves very strange.
If I start with this in Audacity 2.0.3:
And bring up Stereo Tool, with all factory settings at default, and simply enable the Multiband option, the output is silent and the bars go to 100% red:
If I apply Stereo Tool, I get a very strange result in Audacity:
All the other options seem to work fine, even the Declipper (which is nothing short of amazing by the way).
Would be super nice if these could be fixed for us few fools stuck on non-SSE2 workstations.
Otherwise, it's still awesome to be able to use all the other features.
Everything's running on WinXP SP3.
Multiband in Non SSE2 version 6.32 works fine, as does everything else in 6.32.