Stereo Tool

Stereo Tool 9.90
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Author:  MrKlorox [ Fri May 06, 2022 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stereo Tool 9.90

Oh man now I have to check if I'm not going insane.
I swear to god I hear this. I might record a copy of the stream to see if I can reproduce it.
There's an included, albeit imperfect, loudness meter if you increase the operating mode. It resides on the main processing page underneath the pre/post-amplifier, labeled ITU 1770. The more green, the louder it is; and each notch is 1 loudness unit. If there are 6 black notches, then the measurement is -6 LUFS-i. Be sure to reset the measurement whenever you hear the change.

You could also run the standalone version of YouLean Loudness Meter and send Winamp through a virtual cable.

Author:  EliteData [ Fri May 06, 2022 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stereo Tool 9.90

so this measurement is -9 LUFS-i ?

9db.jpg [ 24.59 KiB | Viewed 3534 times ]

Author:  MrKlorox [ Fri May 06, 2022 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stereo Tool 9.90

so this measurement is -9 LUFS-i ?
Correct! Again, the measurement needs to be regularly reset for it to reintegrate.

Author:  EliteData [ Fri May 06, 2022 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stereo Tool 9.90

so this measurement is -9 LUFS-i ?
Correct! Again, the measurement needs to be regularly reset for it to reintegrate.
it appears to continuously measure on its own (with spoken and musical content).
i wasnt aware of this before but its good to know now, i keep mine averaging between -12 LUFS-i & -6 LUFS-i (around -9 LUFS-i) as im not looking to be "loud" but just to improve the quality of the overall sound, sort of like an automatic and continuous re-mastering of the input content, it took me a number of years to develop something that would work in this manner for universal content and not specific content since all content is different.

Author:  MrKlorox [ Fri May 06, 2022 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stereo Tool 9.90

Correct! Again, the measurement needs to be regularly reset for it to reintegrate.
i wasnt aware of this before but its good to know now, i keep mine averaging between -12 LUFS-i & -6 LUFS-i (around -9 LUFS-i) as im not looking to be "loud" but just to improve the quality of the overall sound, sort of like an automatic and continuous re-mastering of the input content, it took me a number of years to develop something that would work in this manner for universal content and not specific content since all content is different.
Likewise. I aim for -16 to -12 LUFS-i (-14 like Youtube and Spotify). I need the extra headroom for the sub-bass and try not to engage the clippers. I'm continuously learning and tweaking mine, but it's getting there. Real-time remastering is the best.
it appears to continuously measure on its own (with spoken and musical content).
Unless it's recently changed, leaving it on for a while will more or less keep it stuck at whatever it was instead of continuing to integrate smoothly. That's why the reset measurement button is right there.

Author:  EliteData [ Fri May 06, 2022 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stereo Tool 9.90

Correct! Again, the measurement needs to be regularly reset for it to reintegrate.
i wasnt aware of this before but its good to know now, i keep mine averaging between -12 LUFS-i & -6 LUFS-i (around -9 LUFS-i) as im not looking to be "loud" but just to improve the quality of the overall sound, sort of like an automatic and continuous re-mastering of the input content, it took me a number of years to develop something that would work in this manner for universal content and not specific content since all content is different.
Likewise. I aim for -16 to -12 LUFS-i (-14 like Youtube and Spotify). I need the extra headroom for the sub-bass and try not to engage the clippers. I'm continuously learning and tweaking mine, but it's getting there. Real-time remastering is the best.
it appears to continuously measure on its own (with spoken and musical content).
Unless it's recently changed, leaving it on for a while will more or less keep it stuck at whatever it was instead of continuing to integrate smoothly. That's why the reset measurement button is right there.
ahhh. we think alike with sound processing.
one of the reasons why i chose an average of -9 LUFS was to closely match the input loudness of content that is averaging at -6dB, peaks to 0dB on input (content already processed/loud), since the design of the processing i am using applies to content that is not mastered/poorly mastered, any content that comes through at these high input levels is automatically "less" processed and then further reduced to -9 LUFS on average (increasing dynamics as well) so generally, input and output at these high levels are closely matched with minimal processing, -6dB average, 0dB peaks. i too, try not to engage the clippers except for the top end peaks above 0dB since they are handled much better by the clipper (no need to use ABDP as this point since it further alters/changes the sound quality).
i prefer the legacy AGC since this also handles input level changes much more gracefully and averages the output at -6dB with 0dB peaks and -12 LUFS.
all i am using is legacy AGC, MB1 in "digital" mode and advanced clipper, a very simple but very effective method to improve the overall quality of the sound to my ears and retain the same dynamics and average loudness regardless of the input levels.

Author:  MrKlorox [ Fri May 06, 2022 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stereo Tool 9.90

Nice. My chain is Declipper> Natural dynamics> 4-band AGC (my most important feature at the moment)> Bass effects (True Bass with Sub Boost, Immersive Bass, and the Bass Exciter)> Highs (Absolute Highs and Highs Exciter)> Advanced Clipper. I'll throw on speech mode from time to time, to defeat the bass and plosives, like when I go to bed. Sometimes I have ACR Stereo enabled for just a little bit of extra width for music.

Lately, I've been playing Elden Ring, which is a resource hog. So I have been resigned to using BreakawayOne since I can get a better sound out of it than I could with ST once I began to tweak things to use less CPU. ST still reigns king for quality when enjoying passive media or low-intensity games.

Author:  Bojcha [ Fri May 06, 2022 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stereo Tool 9.90

Correct! Again, the measurement needs to be regularly reset for it to reintegrate.
i wasnt aware of this before but its good to know now, i keep mine averaging between -12 LUFS-i & -6 LUFS-i (around -9 LUFS-i) as im not looking to be "loud" but just to improve the quality of the overall sound, sort of like an automatic and continuous re-mastering of the input content, it took me a number of years to develop something that would work in this manner for universal content and not specific content since all content is different.
Likewise. I aim for -16 to -12 LUFS-i (-14 like Youtube and Spotify). I need the extra headroom for the sub-bass and try not to engage the clippers. I'm continuously learning and tweaking mine, but it's getting there. Real-time remastering is the best.
it appears to continuously measure on its own (with spoken and musical content).
Unless it's recently changed, leaving it on for a while will more or less keep it stuck at whatever it was instead of continuing to integrate smoothly. That's why the reset measurement button is right there.
Because Time Constant is probably 10minutes instead 10sec

Author:  parelduikerfm [ Wed May 11, 2022 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stereo Tool 9.90

New Gui?...Hoef nie meer! :cry:

Author:  RodeoJack [ Thu May 12, 2022 2:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stereo Tool 9.90

Would you check the workings of the de-esser?

It's been a long time since I've seen the graph move on that filter. Not sure it's even working.

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