BETA010 is posted!
Serveral Mac VST improvements.
RDS now supports "Long PS (LPS)" which allows you to transmit PS texts in UTF8 with upto 32 characters, instead of 8 non-UTF8's.
New compressor has a "hold" mode for the dynamic gate.
The dynamic gate could cause the level to get stuck if the input level suddenly dropped a lot. To handle that, we added a "Gate hold", comparable to a "Release hold" - after some time we stop gating. You can set 2 values; the first is for hard gating (not moving at all), the 2nd controls how quickly we start to release after that. Reasonable values that I found so far are 1 second for hard, 2 seconds for releasing.
Hi. Just tested the stereo tool 10.31 Mac vst3 beta on Mac m2pro on Wavelab 11. GUI still coming up blank sadly.